The Smithies, the $5 "Ayam Cemani" black meat bird

Okay, according to who?
Not to be picky here, but the correct term is "according to whom?" You would use the term "who" if it was the subject of the sentence. For example "Who is the source of the information?" Or you can be fancy and say "According to whom is this information correct?"

But that is enough grammar for today. Getting back to subject of you question: If you wish to begin your research on FM breeds, a good start is to look at articles published by Thomas Naegele.

As for knowledge of Ayam Kedu, I currently breed them.

You get a lot of chicks that look like this chick:

But because they carry the FM gene, you will also get some that could be labelled as Cemani as they have jet black skin, bones, combs, wattles, ear lobes, vent, etc.

Cemani is simply a color variant of the Kedu breed. In addition to the all-black (Cemani), there are other color variants such as clear/white (Kedu) and partridge (Hsian). All Kedu carry the FM gene.
My 2 ac roos are back from decrowing surgery. The vet confirmed that they have mulberry colored heart, dark charcoal larynx, but it seems like their skin turned very ashy where they were plucked on their chest for the proceedure


And these are the girls, with 1 haffie roo in the bunch lol and of course an obvious slw pullet.

Unfortunately the last 6 chicks I got, 5 are roos and 1 is a pullet, but she's a haffie not cemani.
My 2 ac roos are back from decrowing surgery. The vet confirmed that they have mulberry colored heart, dark charcoal larynx, but it seems like their skin turned very ashy where they were plucked on their chest for the proceedure


And these are the girls, with 1 haffie roo in the bunch lol and of course an obvious slw pullet.

Unfortunately the last 6 chicks I got, 5 are roos and 1 is a pullet, but she's a haffie not cemani.

For curiosity's sake only:
Why are you decrowing the roosters? Are you "in-town" or do you not like listening to them? I love listening to mine. My Svart Hona roo always lets us know if there are coyotes or cats... and they always hold crowing contests amongst themselves to see who is the best.
I am extremely urban, so if I want to breed, I can't have a crowing contest. They can still crow, it's just FAR more quiet than normal. I got a semi-quieted rooster in July before I got this involved in these breeds to make sure it wouldn't be an issue with my neighbors. So far they love what we're doing and even donated supplies to build out more pens/coops

my babies need to move outside. It's almost done lol.
I am extremely urban, so if I want to breed, I can't have a crowing contest. They can still crow, it's just FAR more quiet than normal. I got a semi-quieted rooster in July before I got this involved in these breeds to make sure it wouldn't be an issue with my neighbors. So far they love what we're doing and even donated supplies to build out more pens/coops

my babies need to move outside. It's almost done lol.

I so know what you mean. I have 15 chicks and 2 ducklings in the brooder. I can't wait to get the ducklings out! Hopefully they can all go to their new pen tomorrow. Otherwise I may commit harikari. Those ducks won't leave one iota of water in the waterer.
I am extremely urban, so if I want to breed, I can't have a crowing contest. They can still crow, it's just FAR more quiet than normal. I got a semi-quieted rooster in July before I got this involved in these breeds to make sure it wouldn't be an issue with my neighbors. So far they love what we're doing and even donated supplies to build out more pens/coops

my babies need to move outside. It's almost done lol.
Don't tell my neighbors about this type of surgery. I have like 40+ roosters at any given time. Could you image the vet bill if I had to do this type of surgery on all of them?
No I couldn't lol. So I have to keep my neighbors happy, I can't have as many roos. We're learning caponizing still, as I have picked out my next 2 to get the crow reduction surgery. We're starting to look for property to buy to build our homestead (100+ acres) so we can do what I want to do. Instead of reducing the number of breeds I want (need).

It's 13f outside right now, but they are still in the barn. We didn't send enough of our roos and ducks to freezer camp this past weekend to move the babies outside. Now idk wtd about moving them after it went from 68f this morning to 13f in a matter of a few hours.
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No I couldn't lol. So I have to keep my neighbors happy, I can't have as many roos. We're learning caponizing still, as I have picked out my next 2 to get the crow reduction surgery. We're starting to look for property to buy to build our homestead (100+ acres) so we can do what I want to do. Instead of reducing the number of breeds I want (need).

It's 13f outside right now, but they are still in the barn. We didn't send enough of our roos and ducks to freezer camp this past weekend to move the babies outside. Now idk wtd about moving them after it went from 68f this morning to 13f in a matter of a few hours.

It sounds like y'all live in 'freezer' camp. We have seen the 30s but i hope for a few more days/weeks of 30s-40s plus so that i can get all the babies out myself... :D

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