The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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I want little goats, but my husband wants a big goat {boar goat??} to clear our land. Then he wants to eat him - haha. I dunno if I could!

The vet talked to me about vaccines, neutering etc. I know it's better to have more than 1. He was talking about them getting ornery and mean as they get older. He talked about more of them going to sanctuaries because people felt they couldn't take care of them - but I don't worry about that because if need be I would kill them. Idk, I just don't know if it's right for us! Haha.
Olive could tell you more about that... She raises guinea hogs though. But I am assuming, which I could be wrong, that a pig is a pig, and they're like any other animal... Males get old and crotchety, and females get old and witchy... Only with a b.
My das best friend stopped today. He's like an uncle to me. I gave him a meat bird and a cockerel. The man is66 yrs old and has two sons... Of dubious value.. Mooching. He will not put them out though. Anyway, it was nice seeing him, and all. So weird since I was just thinking about him, and that I hadn't heard from him in quite a bit.
I need more room for my chickens too, hubs is coming home early from work to start on the 2nd coop. We were lucky, my dad saved my playhouse from when I was a kid - and it's PERFECT for a coop. I'll be able to put 4 or more nesting boxes in the bottom, a space to roost and the 2 coops will share one large run. I'm excited! I might even grab some more chickens tomorrow, to make up for the lost ones this week.... we were going to get 3 pot belly pigs, but I'm not sure that's a good idea or not. Anybody have any thoughts on piggies??????????
NOT 3, two is fine unless you have a lot of room. We have two females that are almost 2 years old. We got one and the other one a year later. They're great animals to have but they can be very tempermental. The younger you get them the better. The one that we got last, Rosie, we think she was abused when she was little. She won't let anyone touch her. She'll eat out of hands but not pet her. Bella, we've had her since she was 3 months old and she loves to be rubbed on the nose, belly rubs and when I sit in the pen with her.

Pot bellies are very voracious eaters. You also need to make sure you have extremely strong wire and wood around them. Especially doors. Bury your wire as deep as you can. Ours is buried 5 feet. It was 3 but they still got out. The wire has to be very strong because they will chew their way through. That's how both of ours got out in May. Imagine chasing them through a corn field. NOT fun lol.

Anymore suggestions or questions just ask. I've had pigs in my life most of my life (and not just my kids
Olive could tell you more about that... She raises guinea hogs though. But I am assuming, which I could be wrong, that a pig is a pig, and they're like any other animal... Males get old and crotchety, and females get old and witchy... Only with a b.
No, not all breeds are the same, they have very different personalities. Pot bellies are the best for pets.
Nova, I'm not upset... in fact, I'm still uncertain exactly whatever happened. I hadn't posted again after it was re-opened the first time so... ??? I think it was Kim's fault. In fact, from here on out I think everything should be Kim's fault.

Change "PMs" to "closet" and this suddenly becomes very creepy.
What exactly are you and RB planning?
Only because I chose to joke around with being babysat.
Get back in the closet, Olive.
Oh yes, the second time... deifinetly Kims fault. HEHE.

Glad your good. I am not planning anything my self... Except maybe a duct tape run adn my kids getting duct taped to the floor.... This rain is just messing with my ability to run out in the yard and away. LOL
I usually get blamed. ha ha ha.
Im so mad at my husband right now.

I wish I could use adult words on here. But everything turns into ****************** **********************************************************
I dont feel like typing out WHY i am so mad, but I am and you can just make up your own reasons why. But trust me- if he wasnt close to 300 pounds

Every day in the late afternoon they will lay here cuddled up to each other basking in the sun. The one on the left is Bella, the other is Rosie. They cuddle in the coop for bedtime and my adult female muskovey has taken to being a pig with them. She sleeps right next to them every night. These two will fight at feeding time (despite having their own bowls...and one big one doesn't work for them either or they will fight) yet they will let Penny the muskovey eat out of their bowls!! lol
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