The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Hey all. Hope you are having a great Sunday. My kids, DL's and Gkids came for lunch and now everyone is gone back home. I do love having them but whew - glad when it's quiet again. Turned from a wonderfully cool morning to 100 and humid but at least got about an hour of light rain. We may possibly get more later this week - maybe it's coming down from you all - whoo hoo! Gotta go out and clean my car so I can take it in for servicing tomorrow but don't really want to do anything except sits here and watch a bad movie - ha.
Hi there Mish Kids are doing great. No problem. Spike won't leave me alone LOL When I go in there and sit down on a block to look at the youngsters he comes and stands right in front of me as if to say pick me up and pet me LOL
Just cruising around and found this thread. I like it and the company in it. Spike is a friendly guy.
I miss him (and the girls), but I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be. I know he's in a great place with a wonderful person.
Hey all. Hope you are having a great Sunday. My kids, DL's and Gkids came for lunch and now everyone is gone back home. I do love having them but whew - glad when it's quiet again. Turned from a wonderfully cool morning to 100 and humid but at least got about an hour of light rain. We may possibly get more later this week - maybe it's coming down from you all - whoo hoo! Gotta go out and clean my car so I can take it in for servicing tomorrow but don't really want to do anything except sits here and watch a bad movie - ha.
No rain today. Just sunshine
Just cruising around and found this thread. I like it and the company in it. Spike is a friendly guy.
I miss him (and the girls), but I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be. I know he's in a great place with a wonderful person.
This thread is a lot slower and shall we say more friendlier. I'm going back out in a minute to see them and give the boy a pet. After I feed the dogs I think I will sit out there for a bit and let him free range.
Hi everyone.

In and out here today. Just had a nervous breakdown/mental meltdown....came to read and recoup.

I sure will be glad when all this wedding/back to school stuff is done and over with.
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