The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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you just want to know where to find it so you can post more to get #1 lol

Oh I'm never going to catch up to Nova!

Or Silver
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Well... let me get in on this... Keyt... you will never catch up to me in over all posts... BUT you've passed me by on this thread. I use pine because I hate hate HATE the smell of straw... I also only put the pine under the roost area through the spring, summer and fall. In the nest boxes too, and in the littles coops a bit more... Not a lot though. Just enough so I don't have to scrap poop off the floor. In the littles coop, I have an old tub lid that is under the coops, so I just pick it up, dump it in the bag. In the winter, I use about 1/4 of the bag in a the 4x8 coop a week. SO, 1 bag lasts a month. I know the straw spread more, but... what you don't like, you don't like.

You should butcher cockerels you don't plan to keep for breeding right around 18-20 weeks. They still take longer to cook than a meat bird, but like Keyt says, they really are soup birds... Shredded for tacos, salads, soups, ect... AND if you do it right, and they are DP birds, boil em for an hour after you split them, then throw them on the BBQ. Good eating there.
Well... let me get in on this... Keyt... you will never catch up to me in over all posts... BUT you've passed me by on this thread. I use pine because I hate hate HATE the smell of straw... I also only put the pine under the roost area through the spring, summer and fall. In the nest boxes too, and in the littles coops a bit more... Not a lot though. Just enough so I don't have to scrap poop off the floor. In the littles coop, I have an old tub lid that is under the coops, so I just pick it up, dump it in the bag. In the winter, I use about 1/4 of the bag in a the 4x8 coop a week. SO, 1 bag lasts a month. I know the straw spread more, but... what you don't like, you don't like.

You should butcher cockerels you don't plan to keep for breeding right around 18-20 weeks. They still take longer to cook than a meat bird, but like Keyt says, they really are soup birds... Shredded for tacos, salads, soups, ect... AND if you do it right, and they are DP birds, boil em for an hour after you split them, then throw them on the BBQ. Good eating there.

Ohhh that's sad to hate the smell of straw. I love Mondays when we get 2 new bails! We go to the self serve barn and while Aric loads I play with the new kittens (there's new ones every few months it seems).
Gotta make lunch now... Finally got the kids toy room cleaned up. AND that was the hardest part of the morning!

Right now we all live in a tiny little house, about the size of a cottage. My adult kids (21 and 23) are sharing a room (taking turns who sleeps on the couch and who sleeps in the bed) have trashed that bedroom and I told them, much like I did when they were little to clean it up or I throw it all away. I actually did do it when they were 11 and 13!
Thanks for the pig info Olive - sorry it's taken me so long to get back around these parts. Our internet at home is incredibly slow (Hughes Net) and I can't keep up with the constant stream of comments popping up, it just takes too darn long to get everything to load!

I'm super excited to say that at least 2 of my 6 red's have started to lay eggs!!! We're getting 5 eggs a day - and that should be bumped up here soon!

I'm REALLY glad it's Friday {can't wait to get off work} - I have a wedding tomorrow for a coworker, I've been making decorations for her reception/ceremony. Lets just say if you ever get the idea to make "coffee filter poof balls" DON'T DO IT! Haha, don't get me wrong, they're beautiful - and fun to make (if you just make 1 or 2) but TEN and I'm exhausted. I still have to paint them and add ribbon, but thank goodness all the hot glueing is done!

How's everyone else today?!
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Man alive! I tried to scan back to where I left off just last night but there's just no way. Does BYC pay you people to post now? Cause I want in on that gig.
Ok so wife supposedly learned to sex chicks. She says of the 4 polish 1 is a roo, the other 3 are hens. So my question is would it be unsafe to have 2 roos, and 6 hens?
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