The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Thanks, I'm not. I just do it to make a little extra money here or there since I can't have a normal job anymore. I wish I didn't have a camera though.
I have seen you with your camera. ( When it's not sitting in my driveway.) You would be lost without it. And what does your sig. say 'SPECIAL EVENTS"
I'm resting my case, now that I have my 2 cents in
I've been to Cheyenne many times. I actually liked it there.

I was in a sweatshirt most of the day then I had hot flashes for a while. Now I'm feeling just right
Were they hot flashes or power surges?
I have seen you with your camera. ( When it's not sitting in my driveway.) You would be lost without it. And what does your sig. say 'SPECIAL EVENTS"
I'm resting my case, now that I have my 2 cents in

Yeah but it's starting to discourage me. I need better lighting and a zoom lens, neither of which I will ever be able to afford. I almost want nothing to do with photography anymore. These last photos really did a number on me!
Grrrrr it's raining again!!! The runs here won't ever recover until it freezes over. I was almost tempted to take some of the pea gravel they set down on the roads from here to Onondaga!
Well close to three hundred dollars later, sadly, Cotton passed away this afternoon. :(

And then gas at $4.06 a gallon just now so that I could walk in the door and my son says, "Im using the van to go out tonight"...really?

I swear I work my rear end off just to hand the money over for vet bills and kid bills. Oh crud, just realized that husband has to put tires on his truck next week- before he grounds me and I cant go see Robin.

The cable/internet company has been slowly creepin up my bill each month until now I am paying fifty dollars a month more than I was years ago when I signed up. SOOOO, I let the OTHER company talk me into switching back to them. Mind you, this company did the same thing to me when I left them the first time- but they are going to be forty dollars a month cheaper than what I am paying now. SO, for the next year I will use this OTHER company and see what they do.

Tomorrow my husband and I are tearing down my chickens lean-to and cleaning up their chicken yard. I need to get a load of mulch down before the yuck weather sets in. No way am I dealing with a muddy mess that sucks my shoes off when I walk in there this fall and winter. I raked up old straw and wood chips. Now is a perfect time for me to clean it all up- I have four broody hens. So, there are only three chickens walking around out there.

I have to rebuild the rabbit pen. I put Clover in with Foofoo now so she wont be lonely without Cotton. Really funny to watch a micro-size lop chase a huge Flemish around.
I have to rebuild the pen so between that and tearing down the lean-to, I am sure there wll be dirt under my nails, Olive- and this manicure is going to look like crap.

Can someone tell me what kind of birds I have? I was told when I bought them at 4 days old that they were purebred Buff Orpingtons. Note the yellow legs on the one rooster he also has a yellow beak. The bigger rooster is 3 - 4 inches taller at the back than my 24 week old Australorp roosters. These birds are now 22 weeks old.
Well close to three hundred dollars later, sadly, Cotton passed away this afternoon. :(

And then gas at $4.06 a gallon just now so that I could walk in the door and my son says, "Im using the van to go out tonight"...really?

I swear I work my rear end off just to hand the money over for vet bills and kid bills. Oh crud, just realized that husband has to put tires on his truck next week- before he grounds me and I cant go see Robin.

The cable/internet company has been slowly creepin up my bill each month until now I am paying fifty dollars a month more than I was years ago when I signed up. SOOOO, I let the OTHER company talk me into switching back to them. Mind you, this company did the same thing to me when I left them the first time- but they are going to be forty dollars a month cheaper than what I am paying now. SO, for the next year I will use this OTHER company and see what they do.

Tomorrow my husband and I are tearing down my chickens lean-to and cleaning up their chicken yard. I need to get a load of mulch down before the yuck weather sets in. No way am I dealing with a muddy mess that sucks my shoes off when I walk in there this fall and winter. I raked up old straw and wood chips. Now is a perfect time for me to clean it all up- I have four broody hens. So, there are only three chickens walking around out there.

I have to rebuild the rabbit pen. I put Clover in with Foofoo now so she wont be lonely without Cotton. Really funny to watch a micro-size lop chase a huge Flemish around.
I have to rebuild the pen so between that and tearing down the lean-to, I am sure there wll be dirt under my nails, Olive- and this manicure is going to look like crap.

You're going to see Robin? You should come see me, I'm not too far from her!!! =)
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