The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Bought my first 12 pk of beer for the turkeys. It's funny because I remember my sister and brother in law doing it when I lived there in the summer. I used to think they were crazy how they did it but it was some of the best tasting turkey we ever had! We spent a year taking notes on raising turkeys before we got some this spring and sure enough that's what some people did!

Some people give it to them once a day, some once a week then it gradually increases toward butchering day. This is our first week. I am soaking corn in beer right now. At least this way it'll calm them down some too!

That's the good news. Bad news is I'm going to have to put my car up for the winter 2 months early
I'm tired of fighting with the starter and I need a new rack. Granted, those parts aren't that expensive and they're easy for Aric to put in, I have already put $500+ in it this year and I don't want to put anymore in it. So much for a free car, huh?!
Step. Away. From. The Bator.

Seriously. I'm convinced people create more hatching heartache with the constant fidgeting than all other failures combined. Chicken was meant set it and forget it, after all.
So they won't blow?
I do have to open up once more, to put the hydrometer in, but i would rather not cause any more stress, if i don't have to..........these LG are tricky to the best of them, and i'm a newb. I haven't even been opening to flip, i have been rocking the whole thing! I keep the thing taped shut, helps a lot with the impulses :D

Was the impromptu candling the wrong thing? I figured if they were too hot it would cool them, but then AFTERward i thought about shock...............
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I'm done incubating. Only one incubator full and 1-2 in each incubator full hatched this season. In the 20+ years I have been incubating things from reptiles to ducks and chickens I've never had this much trouble. With the heat to incubator issues to my falling on an incubator full to just plain mysteries why nothing hatched I give up. I may be done for good. Remind me I said that in the Spring lol
I think now that you've candled once, you'll be ok to leave them. I don't think they'll explode as long as they aren't already weeping... I don't think you said anything about weepers. Candle again at day 18, cuz thats lockdown and chuck any that haven't progressed then...
sounds good.
Ya, these are at a week, 6 days technically since i had to do the emergency open........... No weeping, i think i did my main candling pretty far along when i had a hen setting.
I need a super brooder! One of those girls who get excited over any old pile of eggs! This is the most stress i've had in quite some time.

I feel like i'm already caring for babies, i keep waking up through the night to check the temps! Makes for a long tired day. I avoid touching the dial, i use the plugs and a towel and the AC to move it a couple degrees if need be.
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