The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Night nova!

QUESTION!!!! How's this roo look to everybody? Do you think he could be show/breeding quality? I don't have hardly any experience with Quail d'Anvers so I don't really know........

He looks pretty decent to me. I actually have a hen I want to breed him with but I don't have pics of her. Thanks! :)
Well I did it... built a temporary pen UNDER the RJF's coop to put the poof heads. We put them outside around 6pm'ish.This week gonna be in the 70's-80's and at night getting to mid 50's wife is worried they will freeze to death... I am just glad to have my garage back. Thoughts?
Losing your mind, Nova?
Not only did you forget me- but you ignored Olive who was trying to help you out with your chick question.,.

Here starts another week that I gotta bust my butt- ,my new Medical Director and the source of all my stress and policy changes is gone for the week. Which means she will not be able to ADD anything to what I have to do, and perhaps I can actually catch up.
It would be easier to do if I wasnt sick, though.

Everyone have a great day!
oh Keyt!!!!!!!!!!!

How lucky are we that we have a salt-water expert on our chicken forum!!!!!

Tell me- teach me-
what do I need to purchase? What are some good references/resources for information? Websites, etc?
I can get supplies and parts a little each pay day until we are ready to go. What is a normal start-up price range? It will help me figure out how long the family has to go without eating so that I can dump the money into gathering tank set-up
I have a fifty gallon tank, so I dont need to get that.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I will finally have my own little Nemo and Dory... could start small. You need a plan first. Do you want just fish or just reefs or both? Just fish is the easiest but if you want something pretty then start with reefs, let them settle and grow then add fish. Any way you do it, it's expensive and time consuming.

I started with a 22 gallon tank on a very sturdy former tv stand. I added some soft coral reefs and drift wood and didn't add any fish for about a month. This is perfect for Nemo and Dory! The problem with reefs is getting the light, temps and filtration right. It's really a pain but you can pick up some great books or maybe find something online. When I did this I didn't have a computer so I checked out some books at the library and consulted my friends at the pet store who are now award winning fish and reef experts!

Seriously, I would do a lot of reading! I suggest if you're going to buy things now and then I would start with the tank, lighting and filtration. Decide exactly what you want in there. Another big expense (depending on the size of your tank) is going to be the R/O (reverse osmosis) water. DO NOT use distilled if you're going to have any reefs!! My cousin gets it through Culligan but not sure how much he spends. Some stores (I think Kroger) you can buy it in gallons. Just don't buy it til you're ready to use it.

SO, yeah it's very expensive. Fun, beautiful but it can be stressful sometimes. Like I said, I'd do a LOT of reading first. Very few pet/marine stores know the proper stuff about fish. I HIGHLY recommend these people These people have every kind of fish you could want. It's a gorgeous place too!! They will build you a tank if you want but i know they aren't cheap. One of the owner's sons is one of my son's best friends. I love these guys! Guaranteed you can't walk out of there without spending a lot of money! lol
Well now it appears I am having coyote problems now too. My neighbors were around a bon fire last night and heard something they said sounded like a coyote and then heard a sheep. So Bob grabbed the flashlight, his gun, and the dogs and they rushed right over here. He even jumped the sheep fence instead of using the gate. Said the sheep were all standing in the barn. So he jumped the fence on the other side and DID see a coyote !!! It took off before he could get a shot off. The sheep never make a sound at night and they all lay in the barn at night not stand. Now I'm really worried. Always something.

We have coyotes near our bedroom window (sometimes right under it!) a few times a week. Usually when I'm sound asleep then I think I hear kids out there laughing! Hope they stay away from your animals! Fortunately all of ours are locked up except for the pigs.
Well lets start with lighting and filtration then-
what type of lighting and filter do I need? I may be able to pick that up this weekend.
What type did you use? I am an instant gratification person- hate waiting, lol.

Fifty gallon tank and stand- sitting here empty. Can seahorses go with Nemos?
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