The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Then his beak would plow through it and he'd get his head stuck!
LOL That is from the book Holes. Great story!!! Love the book, love the movie!
Nah a bit longer than that, Dw. I'd wait till it looks like the others pay no attention at all. I usually went a month when intro-ing brooder raised chicks. I have had success with this. They don't have a mama to keep away the others, so... If you do it sooner, just be prepared to rescue them, and I'd suggest supervised mixing for several days closer to roost time so it'll be easier to get them back in the coop if there are problems.

I am reading holes to Jace right all this week...
Gaaa. DH is wanting the computer back already. Sigh. He cooked a restaurant worthy dinner tonight, so i shall appease. lol. I will dream of a blue fuzzy ,fuzzy butt cutie. What is he asking? I need details, because i was supposed to buy a hen, who wasn't for sale until i asked, but now i asked, she may be on the market...........?So she has a silkie comb? I would be ok with a dq hen with pink skin, or whatever, i just really like blue.
Sure you can, if you want your dog ruined like they did mine LOL. BTW - you do know a Border Collie isn't suppose to herd per say. They are suppose to bring the animals to you. Like the sheep, the dog is to stay on the backside of the sheep while I am in front. Then I back my way to where I want them penned. If any escapes it is the dogs job to get them and bring them back to me.
My Border Collie was doing excellent until my mean arse sheep decided to attack her.

Yep. Fetchers, not drivers. They can drive, but it's not instinctual. Pretty neat to see the ones that do both though. Around here his main jobs will be loading -- bring up the rear in chutes and alleys -- moving from one paddock to another, but most are connected with lanes, so same thing as loading, and sorting which will mostly be gathering up to pens so I can sort easier. That's one of the reasons we went with a BC. Lots of need for gathering and only a little for driving. Of course, I say that, but then one of the only times we've let him out with the stock I needed them driven. LOL!
Yep. Fetchers, not drivers. They can drive, but it's not instinctual. Pretty neat to see the ones that do both though. Around here his main jobs will be loading -- bring up the rear in chutes and alleys -- moving from one paddock to another, but most are connected with lanes, so same thing as loading, and sorting which will mostly be gathering up to pens so I can sort easier. That's one of the reasons we went with a BC. Lots of need for gathering and only a little for driving. Of course, I say that, but then one of the only times we've let him out with the stock I needed them driven. LOL!
I love my BC soooo much. She is just an awesome dog. She is the best. She was raised by Amish as a puppy and she kept killing their chickens, so instead of teaching her they tied her up. With a little training now she no longer hurts a chicken. She's actually funny to watch. She has the herding instinct so bad that whatever animal she comes in contact with she tries to herd. It's funny watching her when she tries to herd the barn cats.
BYFM, Fuzzy-

stress is as much a part of my life as is breathing...and now there is more.

Who here knows Michigan divorce laws? Noo no not for me. Been there done that. For my mom. My stepfather wants a divorce and came home with divorce papers. Mom is just sick and about to have a nervous breakdown. He is sole income- and its disability. He was real good at having her put everything on the credit cards- in her name.
She has no idea how she is going to make it. They were married five years.

In other words- Keyt/ I need it in simpler terms- you lost me. When I walk into the store, there is too much stuff. Whats a protein skimmer? Do I need it? A powerhead? Glass tops, open top?
I dunno- reef and colorful fish. Maybe a hermit crab.

A protein skimmer is necessary for smaller aquariums...yours is middle of the line. The reader's digest version of what it removes organic waste before it turns into nitrates. In order to do it right, I would suggest having one but some people say no, that it's not worth the money. Powerheads are great for water circulation, especially if you're going to have corals. As far as tops, open is the best so it can regulate it's own temperature better. If you have a cat, you can get a 90% closed with a lid that opens.
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