The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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I usually end up here alone myself responding to others .. hope pt helps your hand at least a little .... the father was actually a collie mix and the mom was full blooded bulldog

I have spent day trying to make bread .. may be it will turn out right this time .... and am going to make noodles as well for homemade chicken noodle soup tonight praying it all turns out edible I am a decent cook but bread and noodles both homemade scare me ..... here's hoping anyway- bread goes in the oven in about ten minutes ....

Then when its ready I head about to the appointment with the dietician I have been playing heck to get an appointment with that my regular dr is having a cow about but not my fault the lady keeps cancelling and forgewtting to reschedule me even after 5 phone calls a month
...and the mom was full blooded bulldog

I have spent day trying to make bread .. may be it will turn out right this time .... and am going to make noodles as well for homemade chicken noodle soup tonight praying it all turns out edible I am a decent cook but bread and noodles both homemade scare me ..... here's hoping anyway- bread goes in the oven in about ten minutes ....


What kind of issues do you usually have?
Heh, you are a better cook than i then! I have only successfully made bread ONCE. They say "knead flour in until no longer sticky" Riiiiiiight. It gets stickier and stickier, no matter that i oil my hands, dust them, whatever. Then when i finally give up and let it try to rise, i end up with something that resembles bread but turns into a brick in the oven.................
I have I don't know how many years until I can get another PB or and AB... Oh... I love me some bullys. Either that, or I am going to get a big slobbery Hooch/Fang... LOL, so ugly!

Actually, I would love to get another Pyr... I had the oddest dog combo, a pyr/brit mix. Oh, he was lovely.... I don't know how that happened, don't think I want to know who thought it'd be a good combo, but he was my baby... Some backside hole stole him from me when I was 7 months preggers with my firist boy...
I made bread by hand once. I love my bread machine. It's my 2nd one. Most of the time I take the dough out after the first rise and put it in a pan to rise and then bake in the oven. While I was between machines I even kneeded dough in my Mix Master. So much easier than the on the board thing. I don't have that kind of patience.
I love making bread. My grandma taught me when I was seven, and I've been doing it ever since. I do tend to overknead it though. So for recipes where it says "Knead for seven minutes" or whatever, I only do it for 6.

Having a good oven (especially fancy ones with bread specific settings) helps too. Ours is horrible for breadmaking, but my Nana's is awesome for it.
Hmm I just noticed I'm in here all alone!

Well today I start physical therapy for my hand. It still hasn't healed from my dive off the porch of the other house into a large pile of lumber. I can't hold a cup with that hand or write very well. I was diagnosed with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) but for some reason docs are now calling it something else stupid. Anyway, I was dx with RSD years and years ago in my legs so it wasn't a surprise. He wants me to try pt but I don't think it's going to work. I'll try it once.

Does anyone nearby (Robin, Gail?) have a big ladder we can borrow? Like a 40 footer or something? Aric needs it to paint his mom's house. The one he had doesn't work anymore.

Our stupid turkeys kept us awake most of the night. Not sure if something was out there but they were sure making a lot of noise! If we keep turkeys again next year we have to put them somewhere and in something else.

Well guess I better go eat something and get ready to go. I can't even begin to count how many hours of pt I've put in in my life!
I will ask when he gets home if he has one. I don't know myself.
I have I don't know how many years until I can get another PB or and AB... Oh... I love me some bullys. Either that, or I am going to get a big slobbery Hooch/Fang... LOL, so ugly!

Actually, I would love to get another Pyr... I had the oddest dog combo, a pyr/brit mix. Oh, he was lovely.... I don't know how that happened, don't think I want to know who thought it'd be a good combo, but he was my baby... Some backside hole stole him from me when I was 7 months preggers with my firist boy...
I have a wonderful pit that desperatly needs a home. Someone dumped him off here last winter and I can not for the life of me figure out why. He is the sweetest boy. Loves people, loves kids, will not hurt cats or other animals, sits when told to. And he is a young dog. He is an excellent dog. I'm afraid if I don't find him a home soon I am going to have to have him put down. He is in my fenced yard where my Border Collie stays. I do NOT believe in keeping a dog on a chain, especially a pit. So until I find him a home my Border Collie has to stay at my friends house because she is a she and I do NOT want pit/bc puppies. Oh, and he is housebroke.
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I was diagnosed with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) but for some reason docs are now calling it something else stupid. Anyway, I was dx with RSD years and years ago in my legs so it wasn't a surprise.
I have that in my leg from when I shattered it completely in a fall. I've been able to deal with it fairly well as it's been pretty mild since I was first told I had it, thankfully. I don't know why they changed the name of it, but then, I don't know why they do half of what they do either.
I love my bread machine.
So do I!
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