The Story Behind the Name

Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
Hello, BYC folx!

This topic came up a couple of years ago, but I'm curious about some of the user names I see. So...

1) What is the story behind your user name?

2) How did you choose your avatar?

I am Aunt Angus because my niece said I have a big tongue, like a cow's. And my actual last name means "cow" in another language. I don't have a cow-sized tongue, but she's called me that for nearly 20 years. Why fight it?

I found my avatar through a Google search of cute chicken drawings. I have no good pics of my girls because the little brats won't sit still.

Who's next???
Rich is my real name, and Spelunking is something I do.

My Avatar is my Serama eating with my feral cats. I no longer have my Serama. Still have cats. My cats do not bother my chickens AT ALL.
Awesome pic! Where is that???
Onondaga caves in Missouri. We visit SHOW CAVES,,,, as well as wild caves. Most of my wild cave pix are printed, and not digital yet. The wild ones are generally smaller kind that we need to crawl like snakes thru in sections. The reason why they are not turned into tourist type. Unique beauties in each. :thumbsup
That dude to the left is "Taco." He's the farm's badass and a local legend. He'll try to outsmart you so he can do his kamikaze act and inflict bodily harm and infinite misery. Him and my dachshund have a running feud through the wire.

To his credit, he's a stunningly beautiful bird!

My username is after another remarkable chicken personality, but that story's for another time.

So is my signature.

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