The story behind the name

My DH is a Guitarist and I myself am an Artist... so we just ran the two together and it's stuck
These are some really wonderful and creative names that I've ever seen! BRAVO!

Sylvia aka silvia, aka silva, aka of the forest, also known as nymph or faerie of the forest....

(I DO get ribbed occasionally by mostly "men" who pick up on the word 'nymph' and think in the gutter...) grrrr

I enjoy being in the forests and woodlands. I hear animals approaching before they even see me. I feel totally out of my element in a large field or desert or any wide baren space. I honestly believe that I was accurately named even though, as a child I hated the name...LOL
momsfolly was this mom agreeing to chickens....a great choice by the way. My son's second grade hatched eggs and I mentioned that when I was a kid I hatched out ducks. My son asked if we could hatch out eggs and I said yes. After some research, I decided I didn't have the connections to find homes for roosters or extras so I offered to buy chicks instead. We decided what sorts to get and how many and bought 4. A year and a little bit later we have 3 of the original chicks (one died), a RSL bought at point-of-lay, and 8 of the 9 chickies we hatched out in January and the SLW pullet that I had to's folly indeed. So I have thirteen chickens...4 hens, 4 pullets, one BO cockeral (my current favorite) and 4 silkies of unknown gender. The RIR cockeral was recently rehomed to a petting zoo.

I should probably change my name to mom'shobby

Harley's girl!
Well, Harley was the first rooster that I got (I still have him) and even though I am his owner he think I am one of his girls! LOL He watches to make sure none of the other rooster come close to me. And if they do he runs them off!

My real name is Chareia
It is pronounced Sha-re-a
I Hate it, lots of people love it. I am just not one of them.

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