The strangest thing I have in my refrigerator right now is...

shucks, I cleaned the fridge out last week.. I had some moldy spam, then... But now I'd to say it's a tie between the star trek waffles, or the frozen squid. not calmari squid, but like a squid, squid...
a plastic coffee can that collects kitchen grease to solidify and throw away when its full. not full after six months yet. but I did label it with a sharpie to avoid certain problems.
I once had a jar of soil and live fire ants for a cub scout project in there, much to my friend's surprise.
You guys have NORMAL things... I clean skulls and sell them... so whatcha think I got in there??? lol Actually, in the freezer. Fridge is where they thaw before I clean em.
For henna tattoos? You need to keep the paste cold.
This isn't my fridge, but once I pulled what I thought was some sort of root, like ginger out of my MIL's freezer, then I noticed it was glaring at me.... It was a BAT! She found it dead, and thought her great niece and nephew would think it was cool, so she baggied it and froze it.
If I hadn't noticed it giving me the evil eye, it probably would have ended up in my stir fry!

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