The strangest thing you have ever eaten

The weirdest thing I've ever eaten was some Wild Boar Jerky sticks. At the time, I didnt know what it was. It wasnt bad, but I felt bad for the pig after I ate it,lol. I really havent tried weird foods. Pheasant, Wild Boar and that's it. Maybe deer, I cant remember. I try not to eat the cute forest animals.
Umm.. I don't know about strange, but to me they are rather normal..

Turtle, frog, chicken ovaries/heart/liver/gizzard, armadillo, snake, cow tongue, ox tail, cow stomach, these little bug things that go in medicinal soups, gallbladder of some reptile, deer antlers, sea cucumbers, starfish, seahorses.... the list probably goes on
Nothing!!! If I dont know where it came from and I dont like the way it looks....not eating it. I would never make it on Survivor!!
While this is topic for strange things eaten, I have eaten some of these so much that they are not strange to me at all.
Mountain Oysters, Lamb Fries, turkey fries, snails, sushi, possum, coon, squirrel, gar, turtle, alligator, rabbit, deer, frog legs, beef tongue, and octopus just to name a few.
Did you here the one about the guy that went in the cafe and the waitress told him the special was beef tongue. He said, How can you eat something that came out of an animals mouth. Just give me an order of eggs.

p.s. There are many vegetables that taste worse than most of the things I mentioned.
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I have ate,

squid jerky = yummy
squrrille = very common around here

oh yea frog legs

and probably dog or cat ,,from going to a chinnesse restraunt ?
I've had:

Lamb Fries
Calf Fries
Raw Oysters
Alligator (tasted kinda fishy to me, not at all like chicken)
Barbacoa (meat from the head of a cow)

I'm becoming more daring, so I might revisit this category later on in the year.
I am reading this thread with great interest and amazement. Having lived in south Louisiana all my life, I am to a large degree surprised by some of the posts seen here. Reason being is that Louisiana has a very diverse culture, especially with the cajun and creole. It is safe that I say, many, if not all of you would be thrown into cultural shock should you visit this area.
There is neither time nor space available to list the foods that most of you would probably find "strange" yet are daily menus here. I will make every effort to list a few while at the same time remain tactful and not disgusting.

Some examples are:
Yes, hog head cheese, real common here.
Crawfish, aka; crayfish, crawdads
Boudin ( pronounced: boo dan ) all of the pork vital organs cooked with cajun spices, ground and mixed with rice and than stuffed into fresh pork casings. Very popular!
Yes, frog legs
And as Ruth made mention:
Beef Tongue
Beef Tripe ( stomach)

Much more later, time permitting.

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