The strangest thing you have ever eaten

I ate Purina Dog Chow once... My babysitter kept a bag in the pantry and since her dog liked it, I decided to try some. I remember it tasting mostly like corn.

From the above posts, it seems as though the rest of you are pretty brave. I just don't have the courage to try the cranial parts, nether regions, oysters of any kind, vital organs or pickled portions of ANYTHING!!
I am pretty tame. THe weirdest thing I eat and love is ketchup on cantaloupe.

But I did eat a Milk Bone once, just to gross my Mom out.
I know some would consider it strange but ostrich meat is delicious. If cooked rare it tastes like the best cut of beef you can find. I've eaten plenty of it.

Now for the really strange.... I've eaten rattle snake shark, icelandic ram oysters, and after a bunch of beer I tried cecos which is brains (sheep).... tasted like scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes mixed together.
I think I'd rather eat a bug before I could eat brains, or an eye ball...texture thing...bleh I'm glad you were brave enough to try them though. Life is short, we should all try more weird stuff.

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