The strangest thing you have ever eaten

Love love love scrapple!! Even though I (sort of) know what is in it. I have friends who buy me some whenever they go to PA. We used to be able to get it here in CT but haven't seen it in a decade or more.
Here. My wife loves it. She picks it and all sorts of weird fruit from the Asian market. I can't stand the smell. Hate to sound wussy, but man, it burns the inside of my head! Even skunks don't smell that bad!

Did you know you can get durian ice cream???

She also brings home more innocuous things, like star fruit, cactus pear, yucca, and a whole host of things I can't remember the name for.

Did someone say they ate jellyfish? How??

I love star fruit!
Well I must say I have eaten a lot more odd stuff since my dear hubby came into my life. He is from Guyana, and he makes things I have NEVER heard of.

Bitter Melon, which I actually have come to really like. But the first time I tasted it, it was SO bitter, I wondered why ANYONE would ever eat it again. Its really an acquired taste tho, not long after I ate it, I started craving more. Weird. Its a vegetable that looks a bit like a crinkled cucumber.

Also, fish head soup. And believe it or not, its really GOOD. blecht, but the way he makes it...

Now I draw the line at eating insects, and thats NOT on his menu, thank goodness. But when he first got here, he wanted to kill and eat everything he saw.
The blackbirds that flocked, the bunnies running thru the yard, etc. Of course, he came from a place where you ate what you could catch and NOTHING went to waste.

He laments the chickens in the store dont have the heads or feet. He is SO hungry for chicken feet and heads. I have NO idea how he makes them. We havent tried that one yet.
in case anyone doesn't already know, if you eat anything with flour in it you have eaten bugs.
they are in it from the field thats why its best to put flour in the fridge.
Yeah, but doesn't that just mean you are eating the eggs then?
I thought the fridge just made them go "dormant" or something

I try not to think about all the wierd/icky things I have eaten, without knowing
yes they'll be dormant in the fridge but it still has a kick to it for all the one who protest they'll never eat a bug or larvae, it's still good protein.
i think i ate a cockroach once... or at least part of one. i didn't mean to. i thought was one of the raisins.

what a wonderful thread... i've been repressing that memory for many years now. thanks for reminding me.

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