The strangest thing you have ever eaten

My small list of strange things I've eaten, that I can remember, include pickled pigs feet (I was really young & dont remember)
ostrich jerky,
gator (I do live in FL!),
I've also eaten rabbit that I've raised for meat--I don't consider it strange, but some might. I thought it was BETTER than chicken--and it's ALL white meat!
Not a big list, but I'm only in my 50's, so I may still have time to broaden the list.
Pig brain ( I love that, but it’s hard to find it here)
Cow tongue
Frog legs (my mom use to do that all the time when I was a child)

Not very rare, but not very common either.
I've eaten live termites straight off the tree. Next time it was DH's turn and he had to eat fermented large black ants. My kids stuck to crispy critters (deep fried bugs).
I've eaten ants
cooked snails and Ants in the back yard. ( Ants have a surprisingly good peppery taste
) adn my dad ate a daddy long leg once...
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