The Struggle Is Real!


Mar 29, 2020
Florence, TX
Ok. So, I just threw my first full on toddler tantrum in over 40 years!
Trying to build a new people door for my coop is literally kicked my butt.
Just curious which part of your coop/run was your biggest challenge to either build or, like in my case rebuild multiple times???
We bought our human sized door, a wooden screen door from LOWES for $35 and cut it down, reattached the top and then put hardware cloth over it. Worked awesome!

That sound much easier. Did you do that for your coop? it’s to cold and rainy here in Washington to have a screen door here. Lowe’s has been half my problem. they are literally out of everything so trying to frankenstein a new door together with whatever is actually in stock is not cool. i should have done this last year lol
Also, I think there’s something wrong with the Lowe’s in our town. i literally never find any deals. I bough a couple 2x4s a piece of plywood and some screws and wood sealant and spent almost $200. and this is my 4th door. DIY isn’t cheaper than a pro lol
I refused to let DH get rid of any of the screen and/or storm doors from the remodeling of the various buildings on the new property. Not even the heavy, awkward steel storm door with too much glass. One day it will be just fine as the main door on the big coop/small barn.

Try the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore for good deals on old doors.
My door still bugs the heck out of me, it warped a little at the bottom, not sure if it's because my 2x4 wasn't straight? szBKrhKvTX2hC%hK6ZV4CA.jpg
I have been in construction and salvage most of my life so... Making auto feeders and water containers was a bit more of a challenge.

My door was cheap and easy. 2x4, 2x6, wooden dowel or biscuit, wood glue and thin plywood cover or gussets. You can run it over with a truck. Most doors in your house are 2x2 frame stapled together. Take the skin off of it and its flimsy. Are you using a door stop? The little 1/2-3/4 wood strip in the frame the door strike when closed. Setting the hinges recessed with a wood chisel goes a long way also. Carpentry book, index, doors
I built mine.....

This is my run door but the human door can be the same just with solid material like siding or plywood.

This is my human door (untrimmed) the trim overlaps the structure siding just an inch or so. It keeps it from being pushed in.
Same structure as the run door just sheeted with siding.
I recommend hanging the frame to make sure nothing binds or rubs when opening and closing the door before adding the sheeting.
That sound much easier. Did you do that for your coop? it’s to cold and rainy here in Washington to have a screen door here. Lowe’s has been half my problem. they are literally out of everything so trying to frankenstein a new door together with whatever is actually in stock is not cool. i should have done this last year lol
My run door is my coop door so it works for me here is Washington. 😊 But my run is built around raised coop. I have used plastics panels from TAP plastics on windows of the coop in winter that keep it nice and warm (summer it's just hardware cloth windows) but that would be pricey for a whole door. Good luck!

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