the sultan thread

Merlin would be so adorable! I named mine off of queens and kings:D Like Queen Cleopatra and King Tut, also King Alfred ;)
mine are named by what ever come out my mouth and they respond to. I go though a lot of name's before I get one that I like and they respond to. But he responded to them both. So it will work being Merlin
mine are named by what ever come out my mouth and they respond to. I go though a lot of name's before I get one that I like and they respond to. But he responded to them both. So it will work being Merlin

He is positive! lol

Well, I hope little Merlin does well!
So, are they tame? I just put meal worms on my lap and Cleopatra was like "I think she's the one! My one and only owner!" LOL
I don't think they were handed much. They seem a litte skittish. The polish George is a little bit more on the tamer side the they are. But have found as the day went on they warmed up to me a bit. Trying to give them some time to adjust. Once they relies they are going to be ok they go to sleep in my hands but not as quickly as George.
I don't think they were handed much. They seem a litte skittish. The polish George is a little bit more on the tamer side the they are. But have found as the day went on they warmed up to me a bit. Trying to give them some time to adjust. Once they relies they are going to be ok they go to sleep in my hands but not as quickly as George.

Cool! Now almost all of my chickens can be held with two hands in the air without wings being held and they're like "Yeah, this is awesome, I'm flying, thanks owner, love ya, cool. Yep, awesome. No joke, but put me down, please."
Cool! Now almost all of my chickens can be held with two hands in the air without wings being held and they're like "Yeah, this is awesome, I'm flying, thanks owner, love ya, cool. Yep, awesome. No joke, but put me down, please." :p
lol hopefully everything goes well and mine will settle in well and enjoy their new life's.

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