The Sussex thread!

Hi BooPeeps.
In Speckled Sussex one does better to start with started birds. That's because it is a tricolor variety and the are selected for excellence at an older age.
Like 12 weeks instead of 8. It's also why youw ant to buy from a veteran, constantly winning, linebred strain for your foundation stock. Do not cross strains
to found your flock in this variety.
It takes decades to get the genes stable enough to reliably reproduce this color pattern. Crossing strains, unless done
under the tutelage of a veteran breeder can set you back years. Top bantam Speckeld strains are Overton, Skytop, Mongold and crosses between these
three strains ( because they were done by veteran breeders). And people who have these strains like paintedfeathersfarm, Adam Loeffel in KY, and others.

Thanks so much Karen. That's great advice.

I'd give my eye teeth to be able to breed, show, and contribute to the betterment of the bantam Speckled Sussex. But I can't keep roos and I live in an urban area that limits the number of hens. So the few I have, or add, are really family members to me. That is why I like to have hands on from babyhood.

But that doesn't keep me from admiring quality and wanting just one of these beautiful birds. How lucky all of you are (maybe some will say cursed...) who can give full rein to your love of chickens. I'd have a serious chicken hoarding problem if I lived in the country and had the acreage....
I was wondering if I could get a few of your $.02. I have several Light Sussex that I hatched. Out of the 9 I found for sure 4 boys at 11 weeks. The combs and waddles is what I went off of. Now I am down to 5 and I'm still iffy about maybe 3 of them. The combs aren't terribly big but they are still a very light pink. What I worry about is they are getting little waddles. About how old do they usually get them? I really hope I have more than 1 girl! I also looked at tail feathers and don't know if it makes a difference, but most have the whiter feathers but have some black under those that really don't show. Can't tell with saddle feathers yet. They are about 13 weeks now. What should I really look for other than a redding comb with this breed?

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