The Sussex thread!

Such pretty chicks everybody!
I watched the Keira Knightly version of Pride & Prejudice today and noticed all the pretty Sussex chickens running around in several scenes, so I guess I can say, Mr. Darcy sent me. Lol
If I may, Many breeders have closed their breeding pens for the year.  Waltz's Ark breeds in the high plains of CO. so their breeding season starts later in the year. Note they raise everything naturally.          Folk say their Sussex are good quality.
They have several colors of Sussex including Speckled.

Cornerstone Poultry [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR]
Waltz's Ark [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR]
Sunset Meadow Farm [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR]

There are several strains and mixtures of strains of Light Sussex in the US.
1. Dinger line, the old American line. Considered a bit inbred and smaller than usual. No website
2. Bradshaw line. The Aussie line imported by Greenfire arms. Considered over-height and too fluffy by APA Standard. Usually DQ for excessive fluffiness at APA shows.
3. Ron Presley line. Developed by Ron. See HPBAA for details on 1-5.
4. Ron Presley, Bradshaw, Dinger, Grisham crosses. Various combination of 2 or three of these lines and strains to compensate for faults and to combine virtues in the various three lines.
5. Grisham is mentioned as a strain, but, currently, I only see it mentioned when already combined with Dinger. HBPAA has more info on Grisham..

Canadian and English strains in the US:
1. Waltz's Ark in Colorado ( [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR] ) has strain of pure Canadian strain of Light Sussex; a flock of Greenfire Light Sussex. And strain of Canadian/Greenfire crosses. He keeps the three flocks separate.
2. Lynnrae Troples in NW PA, USA has at least one hen of Dinkle , A Canadian strain she brought down to combine with Marans to make a Columbian Marans. See HBPAA for details.
3. Walt Boese pure English strain Light Sussex, MT. ( Facebook page only ) Imported thru Canada years ago. Walt shows and wins nicely in APA shows with his pure English Light Sussex. He has show quality stock and let me obtain some last Dec. Not the place to go for stock to cross with other strains and lines. ( Walt is not breeding poultry anymore)
4. Read more about strains at the parent Club website, American Sussex Association: And at the Heritage Poultry Breeders Association of America website: [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR]
Best Regards, Karen Tewart

Thank you, Karen. I'm planning to order Buff Sussex from Walt's Ark so it's great to have the additional info.

I can't decide whether to buy a trio or buy 6 straight run and try to rehome extra roos. Some get lucky and have mostly pullets, but what if I ended up with 4 to 6 roos? I think I could keep up to three. Hopefully finding loving homes for Waltz"s Buff Sussex roos wouldn't be too hard, but what do you think?
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