Here too. My poor chickies. I feel so bad for them. I know they get under stuff to stay cool but it is hot in the shade already. Come August, it will be sweltering. What do you guys do to help them stay cool?

I've put out box fans in 2/3 coops. The 3rd coop has a huge kiddie pool for the ducks. I am about to build 2 more coops and will put box fans in there too. I use tin metal sheets for the shade and I am about to try & plant banana trees around since they are pretty hardy for more shade.
I bought a patio mister for 15 bucks at Wally World, low water use, and cool! I strung it over my porch area where I have straw for them and ran it off the end so it mists some bushes they lay under too.
Yes, I'm such an idiot. Sorry, you're the only person I haven't replied to. Guess I just thought b/c we had discussed it. Oh well, you're in
Today is the last day to join guys! Closes at midnite. Partner assignments will be given out tomorrow so we can KNOCK out those shipments before the temps hit 100 (in most states, forgive me NM)

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