The taste of Muscovy?


12 Years
Nov 3, 2007
podunk... I mean Wabash, IN
So I've read that it tastes more like veal than duck. Has a finer texture, richer flavor and less fat than Peking. Those who have tasted Muscovy, how would you describe the taste? We are seriously considering raising Muscovy for a table bird so your opinion is important to us. Thanks!!!!
We raise muscovys, and I prefer the meat to other ducks. And I'm VERY picky lol, so that must account for something.
I've never ate veal, other then pepperettes, so I couldn't compare the two, but the meat is alot leaner then other ducks. Has a good flavour.
Plus moscovys are so easy to keep, and they aren't loud like the other ducks.
i find muscovy duck breast, served med-rare, to taste similar to sucking on a handful of roofing nails. i can't get over the iron-rich flavour. i much prefer it confit or bbq'd. it's all in the preparation/seasoning/cooking method that influences the end result. i'm sure that if you were doing a blind taste of three different breeds of duck prepared exactly the same way, you would not be able to detect a major difference.
We deep fried and served 2 muscovies we got from

I found it to be excellent but I don't have a lot of duck experience other
than Peking (not Pekin) duck served at our favorite Chinese restaraunt.
My mom and granddad both said it was the best duck they had ever had
and my mother doesn't really care for duck.

Even though it was deep fried it's texture was more like pork to me than
beef or veal(young beef).

We have 3 more in the freezer and will be trying other recipes soon.
Thanks for the input. I didn't find our mallard gamey at all so I suspect that "wild" mallards eating pond offerings vs domestic mallards eating crumbles and controlled snacks may make a difference. It might be interesting to have a blind taste test with the different breeds fed and served up the same way. Hmmm. I will keep what you all have said in mind and continue researching. I do like what I have heard about them so far and like the idea that they are a large duck. A sort of compromise between a small duck and a large goose.

I've heard this many times that Muscovy is somehow different. My hunch, though, is it wouldn't hold up to a blind tasting.

I keep reading that scovies have "leaner meat" than other ducks but I didn't find our mallard to be all that "fat". Granted, there was fat in the tray under the duck but no more so than some chickens we've rotisseried. Sooo, I am wondering what they base their reports on. Is it the fat content in the meat/muscle or the fat in the skin?​
I don't really find duck or goose to be "fatty" and I think a lot of marketing of commercial meat is based on the term "lean" which there is no definintion of.

Remember during the past several decades after the "eat lean meat" advice came out to prevent heart disease, the meat industry has transformed their marketing towards that recommendation. But, during the same timespan, heart disease, obesity and stroke have continued to rise as a % of population inflicted by them. Something doesn't add up.
Yep. Many say the real culprits are hydrogenated and trans-fats, such as those in shortening, margarine, and now, even commercial lard because they hydrogenate that, too. Plus feed-lot finished beef, rather than grass fed. Cattle are naturally grass eaters, they get sick on grain, so they feed them antibiotics, and they develop the acid-resistant e-coli, the one that makes people so sick.

Fat from grass fed beef and pasture raised poultry has a better ratio of essential fatty acids than the feed lot/battery raised meat.

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