the things your chickens WILL NOT eat

Mine won't eat lettuce, corn, raddishes (even chopped up small), watermelon (weird huh!?), and pasta with any type of seasoning or sauce on it like suddenly salad or spaghetti. They love plain pasta, though. That's all I've found so far.
Mine don't like limp celery...LOL! Don't really blame them but they don't like celery at all...lets see....thats all I have noticed so far, I heard avacado is not good for them though, is that true? Oh but they go CRAZY over the cobbs of the corn you eat, like to get the little kernals that are left, they pick it bare and I made sweet bean paste once and gave them the azuki bean skins and it was a meal worm reaction! Chicken crack! Gave them apricots today they loved them too.
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Pickled okra. I wouldn't. Why should they?
Wait...WHAT!?!? Who is not eating their artichoke hearts!?!?!? They are the best part! I might be partial cause my dad patented the spineless artichoke (Imperial Star), BUT still!!! LOL
wow! spoiled chickens we all have!!

my chickens eat everything....... eventually!

that said, asparagus is on the long list, peppers as well. any protein is gobbled up immediately, carbs second!

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