the things your chickens WILL NOT eat

worms, lettuce, onions... don't really like that cheap mash from the Mennonite mill
yeah.. spoiled.

They DO like grasshoppers the size of my foot, tomatoes.. still on the vine
but, their absolute favorite is CHICKEN
they tear it up QUICK
ohhh my, i honestly can't think of anything they wont eat.
-They absolutely can not get enough bananas, i buy the big ripe packages the store marks down and they go like hot cakes, tomatos, ohhhh especially ones that already have a bug or 2's like cracker jacks for chickens!! The bug is the prize!

-Melon....let me count the ways even coated in sand from the run, it's like a drug they cant get enough of, the rinds are clean once done, and i dont mean clean...i mean CLEAN,
ep.gif the stuff! peas are good too..not to mention they're fun to grab and play "keep away" with because you know, with 15 of them in there i only throw 1 down >not really but thats how they act<

-the secadas....ohh man they are coming out in this area right now, I noticed several holes in the ground inside the run...not a trace of them left, no shell no legs no nothing.

- Grass hoppers, my 7 year old daughter literally has torn the legs off of them for the chickens, she started this with our first flock when they were teeny to "give the chickens a chance to catch them" I have since decided to call her "Wednesday" >we 30 somethings and older understand this referance<

-I have yet to try grapes but they LOVE oatmeal raisin granola bars, found this out totally by mistake the other day when my son had one and was in the yard, it was nearly an out take from "The Birds"!

-Berry Berry kix cereal >no sugar added just crunchy lil corn balls< again like the peas its a game!

Again, i dont think i've found a thing they wont eat just yet...wait...there is 1 thing, they refuse to eat the wire and metal the coup and run are made out of!!! YAYYYYYYYY i thought of something!!!
My chickens LOVE corn on the cob, and bean stalk greens. They have cabbage tetherball, but they prefer green cabbage to the red. They Do not like...... hmmm...can't really think of anything they won't eat. Pigs, not chickens, is what I seem to have.
My young Ameraucanas won't eat corn on the cob (only corn off the cob
). None will eat okra. I guess if I left the food in there long enough they'd eventually eat it. At least that's what happened with most of the other foods they used to NOT eat, like yogurt. Leave it in there long enough (like 30 mins) and now they LOVE it!!
The older ones didn't care for cooked grits. It seems they didn't like it sticking to their beaks and kept wiping them on the ground. The younger ones (6 weeks) loved 'em.
My gang won't eat strawberries...OF ALL THINGS!! I brought them out a bowl of chopped watermelon, grapes, honeydew, canteloupe and strawberries. They actually picked through everything and left the strawberries! A friend thought I should feed my meat birds rosemary to season them before they hit the freezer....maybe next time.
Mine LOVE raisins, any melon, huge overgrown yellow cucumbers sliced in half, and just about everything. Some things they are more partial to, but there isn't anything I've found that they won't eat, given half a chance. Raisins and craisins are their "oh my gosh, mom's got treats" food, though.

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