the things your chickens WILL NOT eat

Mine wont eat oatmeal and they all give me the hairy eyeball when I dare leave a plate full of the sticky stuff in their run. I think all those people telling stories about chickens loving warm oatmeal on cold days are yanking my chain
Nope, definately not yanking your chain! Mine love oatmeal, I mix yogurt and applesauce with it, along with whatever other fruit or veggie that is past it's peak for us to eat.

I have yet to return to a treat pan that hasn't been picked totally clean. I guess if one doesn't like something, another one will. I was surprised to see some of them walk away from popcorn, and Cheerios. Although they seem to all like the Rice Crispies...
honestly, I don't think I've found anything mine won't eat.

Sometimes they take a little time to investigate something new, but they usually investigate new things by trying to eat them, so it doesn't last long lol
My chickens madly love yogurt but will not touch my homemade kefir. This is disappointing as the kefir is much cheaper and easier to make. I think my chooks just want to hurt me.
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About the only thing mine consistently won't eat is bellpeppers! Mine love most veggies and lots of fruit. When I have cantelope peels, I use an "S" hook from a tarp strap and push it through the peel and hang it on a fence so they can get to the fruit-side and not flip it over when they pick at it! They love it! it gives them a solid place to pick against. I also have bought them bundles of leafy lettuce and tied it up and hung it so they can tear off little bites. They can go through a bundle of THAT in no time!!! Their favorites are tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, and lettuces of all kinds. We have a lot of chickweed growing here and I pick that and give that to them as well!
It would be interesting to know what kinds of birds we are all talking about as well as what they will or will not eat. I wonder if certain breeds have trends in what they like..?

My Orpingtons wont eat cracked corn, cabbage, spinach, kale, peas...
Mine eat fox poo but hate peas!!

PS: I don't want them to eat poo but they get there before I can shovel it to the back of the garden!!
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