The Tummy tucking flab busters of BYC 2012

Oesdog, lol, if YOU aren't hung up on it, then I won't be, either. Whatever motivates you!!! I know that if I called my diary that, I would feel slightly...irritable (which may be the desired effect to get up and DO something?) but hey, you are back on track again!

karl, good job on minimzing beer AND ice cream!

My friends and i had a free challenge going in July: 1000 squats in 20 equals about to 50 a day. Maybe we should do that here?
OMG - are you trying to kill me. I just had a bad time on the Fat cow diary. My darling DH took us out for lunch as we had to travel a way to see the new restbite place for Dan. He ordered lunch! Mistake!!!!! I was in the bathroom changing Dan - so I said order while I am in there. He must have ordered the biggest most calerie laden thing on the menu!!!!!!!! So I have been tredmilling and trampetting and agh!!!!! Trying to get off what the scale told me HE put on me!!!!!!! Now you want me to squat like a laying hen too!!

Oes - my feathers are ruffled! moooooo!
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Squats,uuuuugh! sore quads and adductors stretching and lactic acid build up yuck.
I'll try it! or not.Maybe squat thrusts so I feel like a marine in boot? or not.
At my age",The ark is a vague memory",I think the stationary bicycle and the fruit,lettuce,low carb
sparse exorcise program will leave me time for my kids, cows ,flock and garden.oooh for an ounce of youth and a pound of drive!
God Bless!
I am trying to do excersize everyday. But it leaves me sooo very sore and unable to do other things in the day. So I am just trying to do little bits and biuld it up. I am now doing 10-15 mins on the tredmill, x trainor and trampett. -I am sure torture devices begin with the letter T?

Oes - So does torture come to think of it?
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Aye a wee bit at a time is all the ancient ones should do.At the age I am, as I understand it, ones tendons cannot condition as quickly as ones muscles so one must nurse ones body back into a shape that is other than round.Round is quicker reach, and easier to maintain!
I find excersize very hard work lol!
There are two major hurdles for me to lose weight - food and excersize!

I stopped eating bread a while ago as I noticed it put the weight on me a lot. I now eat rice cakes instead or low cal crackers. I put my low fat cheese spread on that or other fillings like salad or fish.

Oes I must agree.I ate 4 pieces of bread on Sunday and I felt bloated.Now I must stick to the radical process of no bread and only 1000 calories a day.35 year reunion for high school coming up and I wish to not look too fat to all that I once knew!
I stopped eating bread a while ago as I noticed it put the weight on me a lot. I now eat rice cakes instead or low cal crackers. I put my low fat cheese spread on that or other fillings like salad or fish.

I use cucumber slices as crackers, anything I would have put on a cracker (well I haven't tried peanut butter yet) like tuna, cheese, egg dip, etc......

I may have a huge sabatoge coming though, I have been GF for years now and haven't eaten a pizza in a couple of year and that was a homemade gf crust, w/ turkey peperoni. But I just learned that Mazzio's (a local pizza rest) has GF crusts now, oh my friday (first day off work after payday) I'm eating some pizza!!!!!! This could be bad ............................................................. very bad

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