The Tummy tucking flab busters of BYC 2012

new day new deal.Thirty five minutes on stationary bicycle,20 minutes in sauna.half an apple for breakfast.Good luck I'm looking at lunch but perhaps I'll go ride my real bicycle for about 30 minutes and then eat.I had fried okra with cornmeal on it for supper and popcorn yesterday.I ,don't know how that fits into the old diet plan but after I picked it I had to eat it.
I'll see your fried okra and popcorn and raise to smokey egg dip and cornchips.

That's my lunch today.
Corn chips? too many carbs for this dieter! I had popcorn again last night.I also had 2 burger patties cheese"no bun" with pickle relish and horsradish.
Don't know how that faired in the diet eirther but we will see come friday on the scale.
Yea, I should have done cuke slices, but the chips were handy.
I have been a lot more lax lately and need to buckle back down.
mann I blew the diet last night.2 cans of tuna with mustard a small onion pickle relish for the main coarse fried okra,for the filler.Later I ate popcorn again cooked in oil salted and sprayed with olive oil.Mannn was it gooood.I know I will pay on the scale.
Kassandra I know what you mean It is hard not to indulge even when the consequences are dire.
I hope the scale is kind tomorrow.
I am also back to losing weight-and Jason is doing it with me this time. I am feeding a baby, so I can't count calories or starve myself, but the 17-day-diet should be good for me-it is healthy!

We started on Monday-I was 219.4 and Jason was 230. Today, I am 218.2 and Jason is 225.2. I would like to get back down to 150 and Jason wants to get to 190. I am 5'6" and he is 5'11 1/2." We are drinking lots of water and eating lots of veggies, a couple of fruits each day, 2 Greek yogurts, a few eggs, and all the lean chicken, turkey, and fish you can eat. The protein really fills you up and keeps you full.
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sounds good I know it will work if you stick it out.My wife and I are in it together also.We get up each morning and hit the tread mill and stationary bike together.I have lost some weight but would like to get down some more.the more I lose the longer it takes to lose more.
The first ten seems a breeze then the work starts.If you can get past that you can go far.
Just to let yall know (cuz its free), that currently, the P90x mobile APP for Iphones is now free. Not sure how long it will last. This way, if you're traveling, have a home gym, or want to take Tony Horton with you on the road, you can have your pre-programmed workout ready to go, as well as other workout logs and nutritional advice, depending on what you want.The steps to get it are super easy, if you want to do it. You will have to become a FREE team beachbody member first, but that literally costs you nothing, and you'll be linked to me as your "coach" (your friendly BYC chicken lover, too, lol).

2) click to join for the Free teambeachbody membership
3) Click HOME
4) Scroll down the left side of screen, look for P90x for Iphone App. Super easy.

If anyone currently works out to P90x (or any other Team beachbody dvd) and doens't know their accountabilty coach, hit me up if you have questions or need a support group! Yes, i crossfit, drink Shakeology, eat clean, and also promote a sustainable, healthier lifestyle.

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