The Turkey is in the Oven

I didn't notice the title said Thurkey.
We just got done making everything and realized that the time on the coffee maker was an hour ahead
Today you had turkey.

We had roast mom was a dear and brought it's the fancy kind, with her cheesy potatoes, mixed veggies, and a salad, and crunchy seedy bread.....

...since my dd was sick today, I haven't been able to drive, and my bro in law told me I have bad rotors.

Hey Deb....I have bad rotars.

I don't have much choice - we don't have any serving dishes or platters.

hey skip the step of serving dishes and go right to the storage.. its actually quite a time saver..
Well, I guess I should get my pecan into the oven, after I mix it all up, since I haven't done that yet. I made pumpkin pies and smashed potatoes with gravy, and green beans and corn with yellow and red peppers, dinner rolls and stuffing and 23lb turkey, and never got the pecan pie made, is that lazy or what?!!
And two mornings in a row I had smashed potatoes and gravy for breakfast, yum yum!

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