The Ultimate Easter Egger Hunt--Let's Sex These Chicks! (Photo Heavy)

When someone asks what red leakage is, I'm directing them to these pictures lol. That's the flashiest, splashiest bunch I've seen in a long time. I'd love to see them in five months all toghther in a bachelor pad---it would be color galore!

I agree one, six and sixteen are pullets. The rest are roos.
When someone asks what red leakage is, I'm directing them to these pictures lol. That's the flashiest, splashiest bunch I've seen in a long time. I'd love to see them in five months all toghther in a bachelor pad---it would be color galore!

I agree one, six and sixteen are pullets. The rest are roos.
My thoughts also.
Thank you very much everyone who guessed for confirming my misfortune
I've made the same counts as the majority of people suggest, that numbers 1, 6, and 16 (maybe, though I'm waiting for red to come in on the shoulders, aren't roos usually the blue ones?) are pullets. #1 is the friendliest, named is Salmon, #6 is Runty, and #16 we call Blue. Some of the cockerels have names too but I've been told that's unwise. I will definitely take pictures of them as they grow older, though if they're not sold by August they're getting processed!
Wow - definitely a lot of roos.

I think #1, 6, 16 are defintiely pullets - #18 might also be a pullet (the comb is a little pronounced, but not too big and the coloring doesn't look rooish yet). The rest all look like definite roos. An update would be great :)
LOL...I'm guessing you made the same mistake I did and picked all the prettiest chicks out of the EE bin. I only ended up with 3 hens out of 14 that way also. The NEXT time I went and picked up chicks from the EE bin, I picked all the plainest ones I could find and ended up with all pullets

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