The Underappreciated Hybrids Thread

You do get the odd one.... some silkies are mean I've heard. well I raised these from chicks and they are very friendly. We had THE LOVELIEST Japanese roo..... polite to us and the hens but always patrolling protectively… horrible fox :mad: .
This is my polish Frizzle x silkie roo. I’m unsure how his offspring would pan out with his ladies (crested cream legbar, barnevelders, Olive Egger and sex links ) but I just may try!
What a handsome Roo!
I think so too! I keep calling him a roo but technically he’s still a cockerel at 7 months old 🥰 He keeps getting more and more stunning!

I'd like to see a cross with a cream legbar since both have the crested gene.

Same! I’m extremely uneducated on mixing but curious as well. And the coloring 🥰 My crested cream has the best temperament I wouldn’t mind more of her
I had not intended to have a rooster this year, but one of my Light Brahma sexed day old pullets turned out to really be a cockerel. I hope next spring that one of my hens goes broody so I don't have to set up my brooder again and I'm thinking if my boy survives and doesn't make me send him to freezer camp, I may try out some of the results of my flock. My hens are 1 light brahma, 1 black orp ( supposed to be blue but you know...), 1 CCL, 1 Barred Rock, 3 EE, and 1 sapphire splash. Mixing in a large fowl like that appeals to my partner because he thinks he needs to be a prepper for the zombie apocalypse...I humor him. It did make me think of some really interesting mixes though, or just hatch the full brahmas to sell at a swap. Thoughts? Speculation?
I think so too! I keep calling him a roo but technically he’s still a cockerel at 7 months old 🥰 He keeps getting more and more stunning!

Same! I’m extremely uneducated on mixing but curious as well. And the coloring 🥰 My crested cream has the best temperament I wouldn’t mind more of her

My only crested bird thats a mix of silkie roo and ? Blue laced red wyndotte, Plymouth rock, black sex link, or a splash mix bird.


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I have always had some mixes and a few hybrids. the sad thing about hybrids (isa brown, white leghorn hybrid - my experience) is that they don't live long and easily get sick. I have had better luck with black sex link. mixes are stronger and beautiful. I keep a layer's flock that will also be nice to watch.

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