The Underappreciated Hybrids Thread

This is really interesting! I had three cockerels and three pullets. The alpha cockerel was the one I kept. The Numbers two and three were horrid to the pullets and to me. I remember one of them biting me on the hand -- hard! -- and twisting his beak.

Alpha boy crowed really early, at 8 weeks. I heard the other two only rarely, and they were much later. (So I held out hope they were girls... sigh.) The two I culled were terrorizing the pullets. It got so that they wouldn't come off the roost and I had to go in the coop and feed and water them out of bowls. That's when I knew those two cockerels had to go for the good of the flock. An hour after the second one was gone, the girls came out and Darl (alpha cockerel, now only one) tidbitted for them when I brought in watermelon.

I'm curious why your experience was so different? Much larger flocks with more females, maybe? I know I have what would be considered too few females for one male, but so far, :fl it's working.
My flock was 35 pullets and hens. 2 roosters and 5 nearly a year old cockerels.
Yes the situation was different.


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