*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Edmund stopped his horse. "Food. Clothes. Money. What you can't live without."
Linnet smiled. "There's no need for an excuse. You're tired. You don't have to stay for tea if you don't feel like it," she said.
Edwin leaned closer. In a whisper, he said, "Be weary of everything and everyone. Don't trust anyone. Don't do anything stupid to make yourself completely obvious to my mother, and above all, be careful. Please."
Mariah sat down at her desk. She sipped her tea, trying to calm herself down. Was it really necessary to carry through with her plans? But what other way was there to settle this. She began writing what appeared to be a diary entry at a quick glance, but if one were to at and study it, it was plans.
Edmund stopped his horse. "Food. Clothes. Money. What you can't live without."
Linnet smiled. "There's no need for an excuse. You're tired. You don't have to stay for tea if you don't feel like it," she said.
Edwin leaned closer. In a whisper, he said, "Be weary of everything and everyone. Don't trust anyone. Don't do anything stupid to make yourself completely obvious to my mother, and above all, be careful. Please."
Mariah sat down at her desk. She sipped her tea, trying to calm herself down. Was it really necessary to carry through with her plans? But what other way was there to settle this. She began writing what appeared to be a diary entry at a quick glance, but if one were to at and study it, it was plans.

Gwen nodded. "Thank you."

Peter shook his head. "No I want to, I'm just tired. I haven't been sleeping much lately."

(yes. Yes she should)
Edmund grinned "my pleasure." He put his horse into a canter. "And now, I must return to my castle and get things ready."
Linnet sighed. "If you say so."
Edwin got up to leave.
Mariah rang the bell loudly. A servant came. Talk blah blah blah, servant left
Edmund grinned "my pleasure." He put his horse into a canter. "And now, I must return to my castle and get things ready."
Linnet sighed. "If you say so."
Edwin got up to leave.
Mariah rang the bell loudly. A servant came. Talk blah blah blah, servant left

Gwen smiled. "Goodbye Sir Edmund."

Peter looked around for something to keep him from sleep, he really wanted to stay.
Edmund nodded. "Good day, Your Highness," he said. He turned his horse and canters off
Linnet handed Peter his drink. "That may help," she said.
Edwin opened the door. "Be careful," he sad again, then left.
Katrina had everything she would need to cook at the cabin for many days. And with Gavin's deer, they would eat like kings for a while.
Richard stopped his horse. "Kat, I think I need to return to the castle now," he said breathlessly.
Peter sipped his drink. It tasted bitter sweet. "Thanks."

Kat looked over worriedly. "What's the matter?"

Gwen slowly returned to the castle.
"Maybe if I stuck his feathers back on and hung him from a tree, he would attract more pheasants" Gavin wondered alloud. He sighed and held the pheasant out at arms length "Here chick chick chick" He grumbled.
Jephry pushed his Chestnut into a run, but still couldn't catch up with Jade. His horse was old and tired, and no match for Jade's
Adrienne sighed and stroked her horse "I'm suspicious" She finally announced "Shes gone too much these days" She looked thoughtfully at Calder "What do you think?"
Calder just gazed back without offering any input.
"You're welcome," Linnet replied. She bit into a scone.
"Nothing." Richard replied bluntly.
Edmund handed his horse to a stable boy. He hurried up to his room to begin making plans. He stopped at his door, where a letter was. Picking it up, he entered his room, closed the door and sat down to read t.
Katrina began making her way back to the cabin. She had her hood well over her head to shade her face. THe town was relatively large, so it took her a while to finally make t to the gate. Panic ran through her when a guard said "STOP right there."
She froze, then slowly turned to see who it was.
The guard examined her. "Tell me your name and state your business!"
"Uh–I, um was just going to my–um, home."
The guard rolled his eyes. "What we're you doing in there," he said, pointing to the town.
"Ohhhh, just–I was just here for market day," she meekly replied.
"Let me examine your bags," he demanded roughly.
Katrina quickly opened the drawstring for the guard to take a look. "A pound a wheat, a pot, and some veggies," she explained.
The guard nodded. "Be on yer way," he commanded.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Katrina hurried down the road without glancing back.
Mariah sighed. Little did Audric know.. She rang the bell loudly again, till the same servant from early arrived. "Where. Is. HELEMAN?!" She demanded.
"We're still trying to locate him," the servant calmly replied.
Mariah huffed then returned to her book.
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