*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Alena took the note, and quickly scanned over it. From...Edwin? She ran to the door and threw it open. Edwin wasn't here. Who delivered the letter.

Gwen had a wide grin spread across her face. "I cant believe it. Were finally here."
Redd paced the small room he had decided to wait in. There were no lights, but all the better. He leaned against a crate in the dark room, nervous of how this was going to turn out.

Katrina yanked Alfric behind a curtain, her finger to her lips. "Someone's in there," she whispered.
Linnet nodded. Richard dismounted and went and opened the door. "Your highness," he held his hand out to help her down.

(Kat here? XD)

Edmund greeted guests as they entered, a broad smile across his face.
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Alfric jumped at Katrina's sudden movement and pressed himself against the wall, his heart beating out of his chest. What if she's lying? She's lying and it's all a plan to get him caught.
"Where..?" He whispers.
Alfric jumped at Katrina's sudden movement and pressed himself against the wall, his heart beating out of his chest. What if she's lying? She's lying and it's all a plan to get him caught.
"Where..?" He whispers.
"In that room," Katrina whispered. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to think. She could easily go in the room without being thought suspicious, but Alfric certainly couldn't go in.
Redd paced the small room he had decided to wait in. There were no lights, but all the better. He leaned against a crate in the dark room, nervous of how this was going to turn out.

Katrina yanked Alfric behind a curtain, her finger to her lips. "Someone's in there," she whispered.
Linnet nodded. Richard dismounted and went and opened the door. "Your highness," he held his hand out to help her down.

(Kat here? XD)

Edmund greeted guests as they entered, a broad smile across his face.

Alena took the cup off the table. It smelled weird, but she trusted Edwin. She took a sip. It was sweet. Alena quickly finished the glass so that she could return to her chores. Retrieving the broom, she began sweeping around the table. Her fingers started to tingle. That's odd." A sudden wave of nausea swept over Alena. She leaned against the bed post. Everything was fuzzy, and then black.

Kat frowned where she stood. The ball was much fancier than her taste.

Gwen allowed Richard to help her down. "Thank you."
Richard smiled somewhat and helped Gwen down, then went to help Linnet.
Linnet reluctantly took his hand and allowed him to help her out of the carriage, but immediately after pulled away. She smoothed out her gown and went over to Gwen.

(Do you have any Knights there besides Kat?)

Edmund, still grinning and happy, went to the edge of the room. He looked around for a particular person, but, not seeing her, went to the door to see if the princess had arrived yet.
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Alfric looks around. He can't see anything past Katrina or the curtain.
"Go see." He whispers, nudging her on the shoulder.
Gwen took Linnet's hand and pulled her towards the estate.


Richard, having returned to a frown, followed the two inside. He queen had instructed him to keep an eye on the princesses, but he wasn't sure how well that was going to work. Hopefully Gwen would do her duty and stay near Edwin mostly, giving him enough time to actually enjoy himself. There were plenty of elaborately dressed ladies to dance with and he didn't intend to stand over Gwen's shoulder guarding her all night.
Linnet let Gwen drag her along, pleased to finally be here. However, as soon as they were inside she wanted to go find Peter. She knew she couldn't be with him the whole evening, probably not even half, but what time she could spend with him she would value and enjoy.

(@CLuckcluck1215, where's Elsa? :p )

Alfric looks around. He can't see anything past Katrina or the curtain.

"Go see." He whispers, nudging her on the shoulder.

"No, not yet," Katrina argued. She wanted to give it a few more minutes to see if the person left. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She didn't want to help Alfric, but feared what would happen if she didn't.

(Waiting on Casper. Don't kill me if i don't reply to Alfric XD)
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