The very next hen that pecks at my polish's crest...

I took a good look at Ozzy's crest today after he wore pine tar all night. Looking at him from the front you can hardly tell that I applied the pine tar. No new evidence of pecking either.

By the way, polish are pretty easy to sex once their crests start growing in. The pullets will have a rounded, compact "do" and the cockerels will have a spiky, all over the place do.




Thats funny, I got my polish first, so they are the oldest right now.... by two months (they are 7 months) and if any DARE to peck at the female the roo is already choking them LITERALLY!!!! One time my barred rock peck it and he pinned her down on the ground and I had to get him off :O he's a great roo
Thanks for posting this, I just introduced my 2 PCs to the flock (one pullet one roo) so might want some of this stuff on hand. They aren't doing too bad, I kept them separated from each other for 2 months, then I let them free range for a week - now they're all in the run together. My poor roo is having a hard time fitting in. They didn't want to let him in the coop the other night, and when it finally was dark he was perched halfway in the coop and on the ramp, then last night he didn't go in the coop at all. I feel so bad for him. I'm guessing that they don't pick on the pullet as much (although she is smaller) because she knows her place in the pecking order but they might see him as a threat since they would have to reestablish their order?? I'm not sure. I'm just afraid one day I'll go out there and find a bloody mess - but would that have happened already?

I also read on here somewhere that you can separate the bullies from the flock for awhile. I might do that. My queen (black sex link) doesn't bully them, but my rhode island red and buff orpington are the bullies.
Wow I guess I am lucky. After reading all your post. I have 2 Polish in my mixed flock and no one seems to notice or care about their crests. My roo I have had to trim so he can see. My hens crest is nice and round and stays up out of her eyes.
My polish cockerel is 5 months old, raised in the coop and they didn't start messing with his crest until he reached maturity. I lost my little polish pullet in a predator attack the other day, but prior to that no one bothered her crest.
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Aww sorry to hear about your pullet

I do worry about mine because she is so small. I just saw my rhode island red trying to peek under her crest to peck at her eye, I threw a pine cone and it scared her off. they don't roost in the coop with the others at night, my pullet goes in the nesting box and my roo usually is on another roost in the coop. I don't worry about him because he is about the same size as my leghorn (which he's already dominated). I can't wait until he is bigger though, I'm sure he'll defend himself. I've just read on here how some PC roos will let the other chickens peck at their crest... so sad
Aww sorry to hear about your pullet

I do worry about mine because she is so small. I just saw my rhode island red trying to peek under her crest to peck at her eye, I threw a pine cone and it scared her off. they don't roost in the coop with the others at night, my pullet goes in the nesting box and my roo usually is on another roost in the coop. I don't worry about him because he is about the same size as my leghorn (which he's already dominated). I can't wait until he is bigger though, I'm sure he'll defend himself. I've just read on here how some PC roos will let the other chickens peck at their crest... so sad

That's the part I don't understand. My roo has plenty of room to get away from being pecked, but he allows it. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, by a long shot.
not so much 'let" as just can't see the attack coming from under their crest. kinda like having blinders on.
Mine do seem to let them do it though. You would think that once the first peck happens that they would haul tail away and they dont. The same happens with the tails. They bite a feather and they just turn and look like "hey why did you do that?" A few sandwiches short of a picnic. I guess it is kinda hard to run away when somebody is standing on ya though! haha

Oh and thanks for the pics of roo's vs. hens. The crests on mine are all thick and not crazy thin and long. Someone had told me that the males have more black than the girls' in their do's as well. So maybe you can tell me if that is the case or not.
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