The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

well its been days now so i will just say it // Ii sounded to me like the walkers were talking!! I dvr'd it so i could rewind it, i listened again and again they said "Where are they? They must be close...don't let them get away." // when rosita and eugene where laying in the mud
Were they talking or whispering? ;) I think I know where this is going now!
Not really sure that I like that much of a time jump. Its now what at least 5 years since Rick has left the group and he hasn't made it back to Alexandria?? The movies are going to have to have a Damn good reason to for Rick to have not come back, like the Helicopter took him to like an island like Bermuda or England across the pond.
I hate mid-season breaks! Not long now though, I think it's only a couple of weeks. I got this to keep me going till then!!

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