The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

Yep! I liked him. I liked Abraham too :hit

I wonder if they kill off Rick, will the show end? Or will someone else take his place and it continues.
I think they are in a downward spiral. I never liked the other show and they are going to have them meet. I don't see how that would be an improvement.
I think they are in a downward spiral. I never liked the other show and they are going to have them meet. I don't see how that would be an improvement.
There's was something I saw earlier how the producers would like the franchise to go on another couple of years, become a property like Star Trek or Star Wars. Don't think they can really do that, as sooner or later the walkers are just going to fall apart and not really be that much of a threat. Heck, that herd they have out around the Sanctuary right now isn't nearly the threat that the Alexandrians faced when the herd at the pit broke out. And frankly I still think that they should have just added a quick fence to the ramp out of the pit and just reinforced it and angled it so that the herd would just push the walkers over the edge of the ramp. Let them just kinda grind themselves up falling over the edge. And maybe every so often they throw something down at the pile of non-moving walkers and walker parts to burn it down and just keep using that zombie trap to make life safe for them outside the walls.
There's was something I saw earlier how the producers would like the franchise to go on another couple of years, become a property like Star Trek or Star Wars. Don't think they can really do that, as sooner or later the walkers are just going to fall apart and not really be that much of a threat. Heck, that herd they have out around the Sanctuary right now isn't nearly the threat that the Alexandrians faced when the herd at the pit broke out. And frankly I still think that they should have just added a quick fence to the ramp out of the pit and just reinforced it and angled it so that the herd would just push the walkers over the edge of the ramp. Let them just kinda grind themselves up falling over the edge. And maybe every so often they throw something down at the pile of non-moving walkers and walker parts to burn it down and just keep using that zombie trap to make life safe for them outside the walls.

Good idea! Sheesh, maybe the zombies aren't the only dummies.

At this point, I think the zombies are sort of irrelevant. I'm more interested in seeing how the people get back on their feet and what shape their civilization takes.
Seems like they are more worried about killing each other than zombies. But all those people they are killing will make new zombies so the old ones falling apart is no solution.
I told husband i am no longer interested. Just a bunch of hot air and shooting. Flip the channel.
Indeed, it started out with just survival, and the survivors have mastered that for the most part by now. But it follows that when society breaks down, the niceties that bind us to certain conduct expected of a functional group will go with it until order is established. One could go so far as to equate Hannibal, the conquerer who managed to sack Rome, with antagonist negan possessing many similar characteristics. Hannibal kept his soldiers on the March for a twenty year campaign, and was a tactical genius. He was respected, loved, and feared by his troops. He was also increadibly cruel when it came to punishing bad conduct among his own men, and it's one of the things he is still remembered for.
What happens when the rules of conduct are peeled away from the elements of society who, underneath, are already cruel and heartless? Those who, within our society, function as expected because it is expected, but without any rules, rise to the top as the heartless conquerers?
Before great nations, humans have always been petty and cruel to each other. Tribes would often wipe out other tribes, killing all the men who couldn't be made slaves and taking the women for wives.
Natural human behavior is full of drama.

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