The weirdest thing you have seen on the highway.

Well this would classify more as sick than weird in my book but...

This happend not too long ago-

My DH and I were on our way to town and was passing a house. There was a man standing by a truck about 60 feet from the road. He was using urinating and facing THE HIGHWAY, towards us, and I was already looking out the window as usuall and then I see him! Then he sees me see him and shakes it at me!!
I was just blown away!
My DH didn't see it because he was driving but it was the one thing that sticks out in my mind on this subject!
when we moved across town we had the truck packed real high and put a stuffed dog 5ft doog won at fair in a lawn chair while driving down the road fred and chair fell out so i turned around to get him to see people everywhere i guess they thought it was a person because fred had clothes on.
A friend and I were in Independence, Mo near the mall. A woman who was standing on the sidewalk in her swimsuit, waving at cars, proceeded to strip down to her birthday suit.
While in Florida on a bus from the airport to the hotel, I saw a guy driving while playing the trumpet.....

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