The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Everything looks pretty good now.. comb is normal, but one wattle is a little curled. He took antibiotics and pain mess until the right wattle was normal to touch. It was swollen and hot. He's a sweet, happy boy. Since they've been indoors only, there have been no more injuries. The vet thinks a raccoon reached through their bars and injured them. We will reinforce the outside with hardware cloth, but in spring they will have new huge, safe pens.
Everything looks pretty good now.. comb is normal, but one wattle is a little curled. He took antibiotics and pain mess until the right wattle was normal to touch. It was swollen and hot. He's a sweet, happy boy. Since they've been indoors only, there have been no more injuries. The vet thinks a raccoon reached through their bars and injured them. We will reinforce the outside with hardware cloth, but in spring they will have new huge, safe pens.

I'm glad they are getting better!
My Welsummer chickens started to lay at 7 months...was SO excited the 1st of December this year: My Early Christmas presents! Eggs here are from my Silver Laced Cochin Bantum, my Red Sex Link, and my Beautiful Wellie egg, my favorite of all.
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My Welsummer made this a happy new year by laying the first Wellie egg I've ever had!

WOW! Congratulations. That's a beautiful egg. Big, too, for a first egg. I hope my little girl lays a speckled egg. Fingers crossed for that...I still have at least a month to go before I'll get my first one, though.
My Welsummer, Winnie, is 35 weeks old (8 months old) and still not laying.

I got my first 5 chickens in the middle of May 2016. At that time they were almost 1.5-2 weeks old. I got Winnie Welsummer, Daisy Delaware, Liberty Ameraucana, Roxanne Barred Rock and Buttercup Sicilian Buttercup. Liberty started laying on 11/12/16, Roxanne 11/14/16, Daisy 11/19/16 and Buttercup 12/22/16.

Just because it feels good info: In Nov 2016 I got a total of 37 eggs, and for Dec 2016 I got a total of 90 eggs. Whoa!

All my other gals when I open the door to the coop, I have to step over them due to they are all squatting for me and most of the time will continue doing so until I scratch their backs. I really need to get a picture/video of that. Then there's my Winnie - she'll back up to the back of the coop and keeps a good forward eye on me. I try to see if she'll start squatting for me, but every time I try I swear I "sense" her screaming, "I'm not ready yet, I'm not ready yet!"

My beautiful Winnie pretty much stays to herself, kind of wonders on her own when I let them out to free range, takes a few times over every single time to get her to take even a very juicy worm out of my hand then after that she'll come running when I call her name (unfortunately, so does all my other girls), and even when I go into the coop when they are already in bed, they all come out running, except for Winnie. Maybe she's wants to keep her space on the roost but eventually she will come out too half the time. At that same note, she is also the first one to go to bed. I was thinking that was due to where she was on the pecking order. I think she is #4 or maybe #3. Still not on the bottom. She is very, very shy. Even when I feed from my hand, Winnie will stare me down for a minute before taking the food out of my hand.

So here it is 35 weeks old and even before I go near her I hear her scream, "NOT READY YET". Now it is winter now, but I live in the bay area of California so I don't feel my "cold weather" is a big factor of the possible problems. I do have a dog and cat that wonders the yard too when the girls are out, but my girls are the bosses of all the yard, and that includes Winnie. The only thing she does different from the other gals is if my 70lb thigh height Charley Girl dog gets in her way of where she wants to go, she will stand fast in front of her until the dog moves where as the others will go around her.

Back to her shyness, is this a normal trait with Welsummers? She was not like this just a couple of months ago. I did have 2 other chickens (Bluebell & Olivia) that were under Winnie in the pecking order and she wasn't as shy or standoffish when I had them. Matter of fact, she was kind of occupied happily keeping them in order. Unfortunately, both of them ended up being cockerels (now Blueballs & Oliver) which I can not have where I live. I'm hoping once the new ones join them in the holding area, she'll start acting like normal again.

My flock is growing with 3 new chicks at 6 weeks old but still not in with my pullets. Then when I do, they will in their own pen area but with a wire mesh in between them until they are about 3 months. It will be increasing again in April 2017 as well. These are the ones that are the replacements for "my boys".

ALL suggestions, information, help, comments, ideas, advice, etc., would be wonderful!

Thank you to all, Southpaw

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