The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Welcome MarinMama!
Well finding NO Welsummer chicks available for shipping in this heat, I caved in and bought some EEs from Ideal Hatchery. 10 of the pullets. Sarah is going to be one happy momma coming Thursday or Friday!

Sure next year, I shall have more Welsummers! If Nate would not have not lost his flock, we all would have been good to go!
Morning and welcome
to the new Welsummer owners!

On the last day of fair- all projects and birds are released at 7 pm tonight- we had awesome results but looking forward to things getting back to "normal"
I thinks the birds will be happy too!

We weighed all our Welsummer birds before fair to see how close they were to SOP weight- our 2 roosters are big boy and the one that went to fair was only 6.5 lbs(thought he might be bigger than that), our cockeral was 5.5 lbs.

I know I had posted a picture of the rooster DD took but here he is again(will have to get a better updated shot):
considering we have no clue as to What breed exactly my hen is. what would be a good Rooster I can get for her once these chicks are old enough?. I"m thinking she is a Welsummer. cause I'm trying to remember what the 3 chickens looked like that i use to see all the time Roaming the other side of the hwy I live off of. and That rooster looks alot like the one I use to see with 3 hens.

I of course have not seen them in a long time. and I'm relay thinking Chick chick was one of his girls. and Something could have happens to the others.. or they Crossed back to their side the hwy and she didn't.

I hear roosters all the time over that way. just have no clue where. so That is why we decided when she started to show up we would just feed her for as long as she decided to come.
we only laid claim to her once she Had her Children here lol. Figured. heck she's obviously happy here. and if she didnt like it she'd have chosen somewhere else to have her chicks.

So im thinking one of 2 things.. she Is one of the 3 hens that i use to see with the rooster. and he's the daddy. or.. after she decided that my house was prime real estate she went out seeking a date. and found one of my neibors who has chickens and Had a date with their rooster. (there is a few house's half mile and 1 mile up the road with rooster cause I hear them).
but I'm thinking option 1 more.. cause I stopped seeing the pack of chickens around the time chick chick showed up. so I'm betting he's the daddy.....
but I want to get her possibly a Welsummer. but someone else on a different Forum I go to (not chicken related) Stated sh looks like maybe a amaracana (spelling)

So confusing. and of course there is not 100% on if she's one of them 3 chickens who came from across the hwy.. or she came from some other neighbor up my actual road.. but still shes was always in my yard so Im sure if she belonged to a neighbor they'd have come to claim her lol.,

but I would love to get a rooster. who complements her. and Will make pretty baby's
PinkChick, have you actually weighed your rooster?

I have.....I weighed him just before he was 2 and he weighed in at 10.5 lbs.......I recently weighed him at the age 2 and he is now 11 lbs strong. My dear husband loves when I bring the roosters in the house to use the scales. I would move the scales out to the front porch, but they are very heavy....I have the same scales as at the doctors office. I love them...had them calibrated after I bought them at the county auction a couple years ago and have never had a problem with them. Odin is not only very hefty in the weight dept., but he is also very TALL, not counting his comb he is 25 inches. I also have a Marans rooster that is 12.5 lbs....I like them very big, can't say I like the feed bill...but sure do love those big boys.
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So would that put him in the extra large chicken category like Javas and Lt Sussex????

And he is Barber line or from Washington state/German lines? Sounds like te dave should just get some of your eggs and hatch out some Big Wellies. Sounds like you already have what he is looking for??

So they are only supposed to be 6.5-7 lbs. A jug of milk is 8 lbs. Not too bad!
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Opa -you're killin' me!!!!! Here I'm all excited because my 2 Wellie girls are 23 weeks tomorrow - I run home and check the lay boxes... No wonder there's no darn eggs there! Darn!

Gotta admit, only one of them looks mature enough to lay - red comb and wattles (did I spell that right?), tail up now - the other one is still pale. Vent checking is above my skill sets, I'm too new at this. Oh well, it's still fun to run home and check for eggs! I don't think that will ever get old... I'll try to post a pic this weekend; messed my back up on vacation and can't get into the right position to take a photo....

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