The Welsummer Thread!!!!

These look quite light. Does egg color change like the Marans?
Egg color does change on the bird, just like Marans. I'm wondering if the flash on the camera washed out the color. I know this happens with my pictures, something terrible. I could probably fix it with photoshop, like I see a lot of Marans breeders doing, but that doesn't seem honest to me. The photos I take of my eggs NEVER do them justice. :)
These look quite light. Does egg color change like the Marans?
Yes they are lighter than usual. My flock is in molt right now so after molting they will darken up a bit. You can look at my profile page and see what they looked like last fall. And yes the flash was on so you do get some wash effect with that too. Some of those eggs are about a 5 on the Marans eggs scale. That's how bad the flash is washing the color.

I agree FlashPointFarm, pictures never do the eggs justice. I never photoshop my pics but I know a lot of people seem to be doing that these days. Its sad!
Haha, she's a ninja Welsummer. This is the only clear picture I've ever gotten of her!
Egg color does change on the bird, just like Marans. I'm wondering if the flash on the camera washed out the color. I know this happens with my pictures, something terrible. I could probably fix it with photoshop, like I see a lot of Marans breeders doing, but that doesn't seem honest to me. The photos I take of my eggs NEVER do them justice. :)

I've started taking pictures on the internet color chart - you can buy these for a few dollars online. Its used a lot for Ebay to show exact color of items. It seems to work well for eggs too. We will be using it for the Crested Cream legbar group.
Can anyone tell me how my Welsummer compares to SOP? Is her neck too golden? Comb too big?

Obviously a picture is just one snapshot in time so it's impossible to give an accurate judging according to the SOP but, having said that, her comb is fine and the color is an acceptable color. In fact, the golden yellow is more often seen that the darker orangish-copper which the SOP also allows for. I have been selecting for the latter which I find more appealing and due to it being less numerous.

If you go back to the end of November or early December, I believe I posted a pic of the pullet that took Champion Continental in Chehalis and you can see the difference.

God Bless,
Yes, last year I bought French Copper Black marans from a farm in Iowa that claimed the eggs were dark chocolate brown and showed enhanced photographs of the eggs. Mine arrived a medium brown and that is what all three are laying. As well she claimed they were from the two good lines and they all had major faults with white dots etc. I wish there would be rules prohibiting color enhancing. To date I still do not have a blue egg layer. I am getting some cream legbar hatching eggs next week last ditch effort for blue.
My first wellie babies of 2013! There are 5, but only 4 are pictured. More eggs in my bator and it looks like I'll have a broody to finish them off for me. She was on the nest last night.


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