The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Would anyone be willing to give me some input on Pepper? She is about 6 months, I got her from a guy who won't return my calls. She's definitely a mix. Someone said maybe welsummer / game. Any thoughts? No eggs yet. Very little light colored comb.
the cockerel I also purchased at the sane time. Pepper is very timid but nice when you can catch her. Thank you in advance!
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Here's pixs of my Wellie chicks at almost a month old. They are the best foragers I've ever seen in a bantam and seem to be more interested in foraging than where the rest of the flock or mama is located. They were exceedingly friendly early on, but are in

another stage now where I'm merely tolerated. At least they are fairly calm. I'm hopeful it will make full circle.
McMurray Hatchery. Straight run. 23 Wellies / 2 Turkens / 1 mystery. Mystery chick died day 1, we culled 1 hostile chick, another wellie died day 3. Remainder is remarkably healthy at 14 weeks. Received 11 Welsumer hens / 9 Welsumer roo's, both Turkens are hens. We will be breeding by fall 2014.
McMurray Hatchery. Straight run. 23 Wellies / 2 Turkens / 1 mystery. Mystery chick died day 1, we culled 1 hostile chick, another wellie died day 3. Remainder is remarkably healthy at 14 weeks. Received 11 Welsumer hens / 9 Welsumer roo's, both Turkens are hens. We will be breeding by fall 2014.

Are you using the roosters from Mcmurray?
We are not planning on showing them. I will say, for hatchery birds, the Roo's are excellent. They look to be hitting the SOP thus far, I plan on taking the 2 "best" to a show or two and let pro judges take a look see.I do not plan on showing them, so the SOP really is irrelevant to us. We are small farmers who want eggs, my daughter picked out Welsummers and Turkens based on catalog photo's. I will post a pic or 2 later for fun, and will update these posts once the roo's are full grown and get to show. There as been more than one winner at the Central Florida fair purc hased from McMurray. No one outside of the hatchery employee's knows about the lineage of the birds. To say a bird will not meet SOP standards simply because it is from a hatchery is not logical, its impossible to know. We will find out here. Thanks for the replies and conversation thus far. Ill post pics once the rains come at about 2pm this afternoon.

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