The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Whoa, some Wellies with bad hairdos!!!!!

:wootI love the looks of them... nice. I am hoping 2 get 1 or 2 Welsummer pullets
Hey there everyone-
Sorry I have been MIA for about 2 weeks, things have been VERY VERY busy around here, selecting breeding stock for next year, going to sales to sell some(I'll behere for frequent now)... I also had shows planned this year, but had to not go with everything going on... It was a good hatching year for both Largefowl Welsummers and Bantam Welsummers. I do have some very nice birds available(bantams mostly) - The hens are great egg layers!!! And I also have some very nice show potential bantam pairs/trios available... I want to keep them all(but dont we all), and I have about 125 Welsummer Bantams right now, so I had a good crop to select the best of the best for the 2011 breeding season, and the use some GREAT hens to put under my NEW ROOSTERS from the Netherlands(2010 imports - new blood, only 2 people in the USA have the new blood, and I am fortunate enough to be 1 of those 2!!!)

Lots of new things coming on for 2011. Added a few new breeds of chickens(Light Sussex, Coronation Sussex, Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Marans) along with ducks and the very rare cotton patch goose.

Just a note for folks wanting to place orders for chicks already - I will start taking orders in January 2011... There will be a 10% discount on the chicks for all orders placed and paid for in January/February 2011, after that regular prices will apply. Additional 5% discount for orders of 25 of 1 breed...

*Looking at all of the pics, some of you are raising up some very nice welsummers... Just a tought - when posting pics, add the strain/bloodline, there are slight differences between them, but some of them are pretty noticeable.

*I was very honored to be asked if I would take the VP positon on the WCNA, upon the voting... I think this group/club has great potential, and would really help preserve the Welsummers, which is why we are all here enjoying them and breeding them, right!?

I hope that everyone had a very successful year with their birds...

Best reguards,
Nate Vanwey, Shamrock Farm - Voting in for VP of the WCNA!

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Nate, what are the specifics of the chicks you'll be selling. 10% off what? Also, I'm in CA, so I'm wondering how a Jan/Feb shipment would do? How old are the chicks that you ship? Maybe it would be better for me to get eggs?

I'd like to add that I'm only interested in Large Fowl welsummers. I'd like to get some females to breed to Moose this coming year. I'd love to see pics of your egg color as well.

Great seeing you yesterday and chatting. Now as you know I will be patiently awaiting updates and baby photos! So get in touch with your photographer side because 21 days goes by faster than you think. Many good hatching vibes coming your way.
The closest I'm aware of is McSpin in NY. But his birds are molting right now.

Ok, Thank you . Looks like I will have 2 order in the spring from a hatchery .
The closest I'm aware of is McSpin in NY. But his birds are molting right now.

Ok, Thank you . Looks like I will have 2 order in the spring from a hatchery .

If you have a bator, lots of people here sell hatching eggs.
Ok, Thank you . Looks like I will have 2 order in the spring from a hatchery .

If you have a bator, lots of people here sell hatching eggs.

I do not have one at this time. But I always have a very broody hen.. But just don't want any more Roo's so I have been holding off going the egg root. Thanks... I will keep this in mind 4 sure.. But I think I'll hold till spring now. Here in NH, R winter is around the corner... Not looking 4ward 2 that.

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