The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Sorry for the delay, I dont know how all this works and I never got a reply. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to show so soon. Might wait another generation before I show. All depends on how excited I get with the next generations outcome. Which I know is going to be pretty sweet. But we'll just have to see. I'll post on here when too when I start showing pictures.
What kind of new welsummer breed are you creating?
Congratulations Tyler!!!!! They are adorable! You're going to be hooked.

I just wanted to post updated pics of my Welsummers. In my last post (p. 157 of this thread), they were 1 month old. They are 5 months old in these pictures. I have 5, only three would stay still for pictures. Be safe and have a great Thanksgiving.



They are in the gangly stage!

It seems to me that most of the Welsummer teenagers get this hair-fro (feathers sticking up) near their combs. Mine does have that too and it makes me wanna put some haircream on my fingers and smooth those feathers down!
I never noticed it before Ewe, but you're right. I did notice that one of my girls that's molting has the same thing going on. (and not a single tail feather either - in fact most of my girls are tailless at the moment

Eggsaregood.........pretty girls! I especially like the one in the top photo.
Lovely pullets Eggsaregood! Thanks for sharing them! You say they are 5 months of age in the photo, so does that mean that they are older now and they are laying and you didn't post pretty egg pictures too????
@ pinkchick,

I wish they were laying. I took that picture this morning. The only new layer I have around my place is an EE. She has laid a blue/green egg everyday for the past week (when she laid the first egg my kids thought it was an early Christmas). As soon as I get some Welsummer eggs, I will post pics.
I have a hatchery Welsummer (via my local feedstore) who is now almost 33 weeks old (7 months). Still no eggs. Her comb and wattles are still small (pre-lay look). Is this normal? Are Welsummers typically very late to start laying?

My other pullets started laying at 22 weeks (BR), 23 weeks (BA), and 27 weeks (SLW), so I don't think it's environmental factors like feed. At this point in the year, it might be light. The BR and BA both started laying way back in mid-September. The SLW didn't come online until the second half of October.

The Welsummer has been renamed "Cassie" in case she needs to become Casserole. We've been having the "eggs or meat" talk but so far still no eggs.


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