The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Just picked up my two Wellies yesterday. They're lovely. Rather noisy today though. One laid me an egg already - on the poop board! Hope they find the nesting boxes today. I was bad - I know I should have quarantined them, but I didn't. We lost a 12weekold BCM pullet yesterday
while it was freeranging, and I just needed to make sure the new girls were in the safe space. The Dutch Girls are from a BYCer who has lovely birds, and I am sure she wouldn't have sent them if they were sick.

Anyways - they're working on getting the pecking order straightened out. They're big enough to not take guff from the mean girl in our flock. So I think everything'll work out okay.
I just wanted to have all the disruption at once, rather than spreading it out any more. Two of my chickens have been on strike already due to the construction work that's been going on...
Is this hen from the same breeder that was selling the white eggs on ebay? Does she lay a dark egg?

I bought eggs from a breeder in georgia last year. They were represented as strait grisham lines.I hacthed 5 from the 8 I got 1 roo that is nice, but perhaps to light in the hackle. 1 white hen with a bit of salmon color in her breast, 1 salmon colored hen and 2 normal colored hens. When I mated the roo back to them, I got whites or salmons out of the white of salmon, and normals out of the normals. The eggs are ok. They were muck darker when they started to lay. They started to lay on 4th of july and have been inlay since then, although the white and salmon hen have quit now. The other 2 lay about every other day and layed thruough a moult.
The 4 lower right eggs are from that gruop and what they are laying now. The 4 upper left eggs are from a barber line hen. The 5 lower left are barnevelder and the rest are blue copper marans
The salmon colored hen in the corner is one of those and you can see the hackles of the roo in the corner. His type is simalar to the roo in the pic.
Was able to take some updated pictures of our Welsummer group today when we went through and banded everyone. Of course they weren't happy with us so the pictures aren't the best looking. Feedback welcome.

These 2 pictures are the hens hatched from HappyMtn's eggs:


These 5 pictures are the ones hatched out from Nate's eggs:

The 2 boys:
This guy is the main man in the group-my DS(5) named him Coop

This guy is backup and named Chunky Monkey

The 3 girls and they aren't named as of yet! They aren't laying yet either



Let me know if these are better
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Are the dutch 2 pullets? Are they from M.A.(owners annitials).


I got them from didolan, in Sonoma. Don't know what line or anything since I'm not breeding. They're gorgeous girls though. And just started laying about a week ago. Um, it's two pullets, no roos. Can't have any roos here.
some pics I took of my wellis producing wheit chicks. As I stsed they are hatch mates. the breeder had 2 roo's running with gruop of hens, but I suppect they were hatch mates as well.



As I mentioned. When thsi roo is mated to the white and the salmon hen I get whites and salmons.
I think his hackel is to yellow.
As soon as they start laying again. I will move them to peeps wanting laying hens. Last summer these gals layed 5 to 7 eggs a week.
Sorry, they don't look purebreds to me, too much color variations going on. I am not sure what happened. The roo has a pretty color about him, Welsummer or not, and the girls are lovely on their own. If you wanted pure Welsummers, I think we can help you getting some better ones. Your light Welsummer colored hen, looked like she got a white earmuff on both pictures, possibly somewhere in her background, a white eared Leghorn?.

Jeez, that white Welsummer........we all have voted that White Welsummers would not be allowed in the standard nor it's an acceptable color of a Welsummer, here and abroad.

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