The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Kim, you are going to be a real pro at sexing your Wellies with pictures because I'm going to be posting photos as soon as mine hatch also.

I owe you an asked me how old my girls were a couple days ago, the girl that lays that darkest egg is 2.5, her 1.5 and the other girls are just less than a year. Yes they lay big eggs and some of them I can't close the cartons on, but I will tell you that I have only ever got one double yolker that I know of from the Wellies. Most consistent layers I have and the Wellie eggs never have any weird issues with know like extra little winkles or bumpies, none of those little tiny gritty deposits that come off, no equatorial band fractures....just always nice perfect large eggs. bad there was that one time that the oldest hens earlobes turned white and she laid an almost white egg for the week that her earlobes were white.....remember that? That was the only weird egg issue I have ever had with a Wellie or their egg.
Thanks, Steve! I have shared them with people that are pretty local to me, but still not too many. Those photos are from various times with in the last year.
....I also have just started sharing my Marans with folks that are a little further away from me....I have shared them with people here relatively local, but again.... not many.

I feel very privileged. Thank you. I promise your offspring will have a very good life here in Maine. Look at my BYC page if you have not already and you can get an idea of their future home environment.
I will be adding a new 8'x8' coop to what you see there now, plus a very large fenced in run area.

Steve~ Thank you! I am sure they will have a great home and will be spoiled for sure. I hope you enjoy your Wellies as much as I enjoy mine.
Kim, you are going to be a real pro at sexing your Wellies with pictures because I'm going to be posting photos as soon as mine hatch also.

Just in case I'm not around when they hatch or when you ask....Robin, Kelly, Nate and Lensters (if he is online) just to name a few, can always help you out with them too. ( but I won't be far.....not when we got babies hatchin'! )

What day are you set for Les?
My internet has been down for a week, so I've missed out on all the excitement here. Thanks so much to everyone who offered tips on culling. Seeing some of Kim's eggs hatch is SO thrilling -- I can hardly wait for mine from her!
Hmmm I missed that, must go back and catch up.

Also must put up new pics of my Wellies for opinions. Took some today on the phone but can't find the cable I put 'in a safe place' so as not to lose it...
Could have sworn I knew where it was too.
Hi everyone
Im kind of new to the breed and am on the hunt for a nice roo. My father had a small flock of layers and was given a welsummer roo some 8 or so years ago. He still has that same roo and now, generations later, his flock appears welsummer. They look it and lay dark, speckled eggs. We're just trying to "kick it up a notch"

I was hoping someone on this thread would be near me (western MD) and have a roo they'd be willing to part with. Im looking for nice bloodline and a dark egg line with wide breast... and Im a stickler for a great comb. ..anything else I should be looking for??

My 4 day old chick cockerels have wide breasts!

Ohhhhhhh! Did I forget to tell you that their daddy is........ummmmm really HUGE???????
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