The Welsummer Thread!!!!


Kate~ I have set eggs in my 'bator and only had one hatch out of the entire batch set.......sometimes it's just not meant to be, but I'm sure that rough handling does help play a part.
I sent eggs to cherylcohen FedEx and they arrived in less than 24 hours and in wonderful condition and she had a great hatch. I don't know how much it cost because she has an account with them, but she did say it was cheaper than USPS and they handling is superior. She also told me that she has better hatch rates from eggs shipped using FedEx vs. USPS. I am going to do some digging around today or tomorrow as time allows to see if I can find out what the rates are for FedEx.
The lady that works at my Post Office told me that all of the "flat rate boxes" are shipped by Fed Ex. When they leave the Post Office, Fed Ex picks them up and ships them to the nearest Post Office to the receiving person. She told me that she has had fewer complaints from customers that use "flat rate boxes", compared to those that ship with the USPS. (and the USPS gives you the flat rate boxes for box ships for ~$10 and large box ships for ~$15).

I am very very sorry and sad to hear that Kate.
Of course you can have more eggs my friend, I have not put them out to pasture yet because the demand for them is still coming in. I don't have anyone scheduled for April 11th for Wellie eggs, so would you like those? PM me and we will work out all the details. I am with you on blaming the post office and rough handling....a dear friend of mine in Florida received Marans eggs from me and the box had been used to play a game of soccer with I swear. She only has one chick that hatched from many many eggs that were sent. The box was so bad it actually had holes in it and was creased. Now tell me how in the world do you crease one of those USPS boxes...and I ain't talkin' a small little crease either. I was in shock when she posted photos of the box upon arrival. 2 folks received very damaged boxes and both had horrible hatches.

Talk to you soon and keep smiling.....we will get you some Wellies!

You need to contact the Postal service on and issue a complaint, so they are aware of the problem. They are able to ship chicks OK with special service, without major damage to the boxes, they should be able to ship Eggs safely. It may take some special notice on the box. There should not be major damage to the boxes. Believe me, they do want to keep your business.


In my experience in shipping eggs, the labels did more damages than the ones that were not labeled at all.

Hubby had worked for the UPS and it was UNBELIEVEABLE what the employees do to the "fragile" boxes. They would literally cram the boxes in the smallest space to heck with the box that says upright only or fragile. Too many of them kick the boxes around. Even the motorcycles going to the dealership here in town, OMG, they would fall on its side and they would laugh that the motorcycle can not stand upright. Takes four men to upright the box and again, drop it in the truck.
Such idiots! I know my sis' sister in law works there as well and she said it's common and they don't care about if it breaks because it is out of the company's money.

However whatever you do, do not label the package but do state on the label what it "contents:" Nothing more.
I checked with the Post Office and if you are having problems, you do need to check with sending and the receiving Post Office. If you still don't get good results use the and you will get answers. Yes, a few do ruin it for all, you need to make your complaints known, especially if there is damage.


My experience is limited but here it is... I am in Maine.
In the past month or so I have received 4 boxes of eggs via USPS.
2 from Pink in Washington - both boxes were clearly marked "fragile/hatching eggs". Both arrived in 2 days in perfect shape!
1 from Northern California - not marked as anything special at all (unmarked). Arrived in perfect shape in 3 days.
1 from Tennessee - clearly marked "Hatching Eggs/Live Embryos". Took 4 days but arrived in perfect shape.
In all cases all contents were intact.
I do believe a solid packing job is vital.
I also believe the time frame is unreliable.
As far as the USPS treating our packages like footballs, I'm sure it depends on where and who(m) it goes through.
Like anything, their are some unhappy 'bad eggs' in every bunch.
Fortunately for me my experience has been good - so far! Next time may be a different story...

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