The Winter granny square swap.

Nobody faint! I got it right! That's a miracle!
Pretty square.

I have a bug, too, just a cold but it has me down.

Thirty squares are done. Two are a little wonky and I might take them apart and redo them. Between my cold, the weather (expecting 3-4 feet of snow by tomorrow), being out of suitable yarn and still hoping to fly, this might be my total. I laid them all out and the combinations of blues and grays are pretty.I think we'll be please with how this swap turns out.
Nice square Kat.

I'm trying to avoid a cold. My granddaughter has been blowing her nose and everytime she passes me I spray her in the face with Lysol. Just kidding. She's 6 and sucks her thumb.

I've had to work at not chewing my nails and it has helped cut down the disease. Good habits can keep us healthy, but it hasn't been easy for me to learn. It's to bad they didn't make a pocket spray for a mans pocket. Lord have mercy these guys who don't wash their hands after using the restroom.

I think it would be good if someone invented a device that goes off each time a restroom door is open that says, "Don't forget to wash your hands" or it detected non washers, was loud and said over the loud speaker , "Warning, warning, this person didn't wash their hands, warning, warning.......................

Or how about a restroom door that wouldn't let you out if you didn't wash your hands?

No squares done. Ugh! I'll get to them.
I think there was a far side cartoon which had a man leaving a restroom and a light went on over the door saying he didn't wash his hands.

I find the alcohol gel hand sanitizers nice for when I'm crocheting. If I blow my nose, I use the gel instead of having to get up to wash.
I have a pump bottle of GermX in almost every room in the house, my sister thinks I am addicted but with handling chickens and ding outside work i have to be careful. I take care of my grandmother(multiple medical problems) and am constantly worried about getting her sick. I answer the door and it's like "Are you sick? sorry, go home." lol.
People with strong immune systems just don't get me. I keep a box of tissues on just about every table in the house.

So I'm out looking for some Christmas decorations and what do I find? A whole bin of yarn that got put way up on the top shelve in the storage room. I could have saved some money as there is some nice yarn in there. You'll see what I mean.
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I have 20 of my snowflakes done and now it's 21. Is this swap closed yet? I have 16 of my other squares done. Guess I'll do another snowflake tonight and be up to date on them. It was 15 when I got up at 6 this morning. It amazes me that the desert can be so hot in summer and so cold in winter. Another storm coming in this weekend and I'm hoping to go to Bakersfield which means going through one of the passes that might get snow. I really nee to finish my Christmas shopping and I need to go to Costco.

My daughter called me today to tell me she received an envelope with hers and her hubby's name and addreess on it but inside was the gift card envelope with her sisters name on it. I had ordered Lowe's gift cards for some family members and Lowe's got them mixed up in the mailing envelopes. My other daughter and her husband must have got the one meant for the other also. Fortunately the gift cards were for the same amount and there is no name on the card itself so no harm has been done, but what a mess. I told my daughters that it shows I don't play favoritism.

It's 9 PM and it's already 30 degrees outside.

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