The Winter granny square swap.

Congratz on the grandbaby!!

On the squares, I wont be able to get started until Monday or Tuesday, but the good news is yarn is on sale at Joanne's! Going to get more to add to the pallet!! I'll post a daily count - can't show you the greased lightenoing crochet work, but I can produce numbers ;)

On another happy note, while in CT, I visited THREE yarn shops and added to the stash.......I have been petting it and dreamin well! Oh the possibilities! But no new WIPs till my squares are all finished......I do NOT need another WIP.......I do NOT need another WIP........I do NOT need another WIP........
I hope to get my blocks out Monday. They are ready to box up and if I can get them done tomorrow then they'll be out Monday. It's been a busy weekend for me. I know what you mean about not needing any more WIP's. I don't either but I am making a shawl for my daughter and already planning another baby blanket when I have one half finished and need to finish it first. The thing is, the blanket I'm planning needs to be finished first since the grandbaby is due before my secong great grand baby.

Have any of you tried the Red Heart Love? I bought some in "celery" for my daughters shawl and I love it. It is so soft and it doesn't split like some of the other softer yarns. Unfortunately Walmart doesn't carry it so have to order online or wait until I go to the big city to buy it, but I definitely want to use more. It is a lot like Hobby Lobby's "Love that Yarn" that I'm knitting myself a sweater out of. I started last year making this sweater in off white, pale blue, pale yellow and burgundy and doing it in Faire Isle. I'm English by birth and my mum used to do the faire isle so thought I'd do some since I have her patterns brought over from across the pond in the 40's.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's 26 here in the high desert of CA and is supposed to go down to 16. It's dry as a bone though but thankfully no wind.
Congratulations Betty, that is wonderful news!!!!!!

Unfortunately I am afraid I am going to have to drop from this swap y'all, we will be moving in a couple weeks to a new part about it is we will have a huge double stall barn and lots of room for our chickens to free range. I am SO excited!!! But not excited to pack...ugh!!! I am so sorry about dropping out of the swap, but hopefully I will be unpacked and ready for the next one!!
Take care. We'll see you next time.
I am too so still here. I've been playing Florence Nightengale and now I've got the congestion - and a new-to-me vehicle (thank you Lord!) It's been busy.

So - lots of hand santizer before I crochet (I'm buying stock in the company ...). I am done set one and almost with set two - I had no idea it was going to get so ridiculous. That will teach me! I may be a bit late, but it's coming!!!!
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has the address to send our 6in blocks to? Could you please help me with that? Thank you!!

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