The Winter granny square swap.

Got set 1 done :) Now working on set 2, this time I am making 3 different patterns, 7 each, same colors.

Square 1 of 3 (should have all 7 done in a few more hours....)

Love this square, not loving photo bucket......I promise I cropped this and adjusted brightness....rrrrrr

Nice squares on this swap. I didn't take pictures of mine because I was packing. at any rate, I don't think the colors ever do justice to the real thing. The real fun is when they arrive and we can see them as they are.
Well, my squares are done except sewing in the ends. My finger tips are so sore right now....from the cold....they have deep cracks and of course I keep banging them and making them worse. Blasted cold weather, it gets tougher as I get older. Humph, wearing gloves for cleaning and dishes for now. Will get to those tails this weekend! My squares are the traditional granny, my time wouldn't allow me to make anything more detailed. I have also had 2 chickens that have been layed up. One I had to cull, she had a respiratory something and sinus issues. The other has managed to injure her hip I think so we have her in our shop. Hopefully she will heal, beautiful barred rock hen. Hope all is well with everyone!
~Kat aka MaineGigi
got squares today from Bleenie.

that's four so far.
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Well, my squares are done except sewing in the ends. My finger tips are so sore right now....from the cold....they have deep cracks and of course I keep banging them and making them worse. Blasted cold weather, it gets tougher as I get older. Humph, wearing gloves for cleaning and dishes for now. Will get to those tails this weekend! My squares are the traditional granny, my time wouldn't allow me to make anything more detailed. I have also had 2 chickens that have been layed up. One I had to cull, she had a respiratory something and sinus issues. The other has managed to injure her hip I think so we have her in our shop. Hopefully she will heal, beautiful barred rock hen. Hope all is well with everyone!
~Kat aka MaineGigi
"Working Hands" is awesome for cracked hands, it does have a filmy-kinda feel afterwards though. A few years ago I was dealing with a severe skin condition (was like psoriasis and eczema together!) we went to the beach to clam dig and my whole face was dry, cracked and flaky, was horrible! I bought "udderly smooth udder cream" at the local hardware store and nit worked wonderfully all over. soaks right in and any "residue" feeling it leaves doesnt last long. also doesn't smell too bad!
My cure for cracked hands is Burts Bees Hand Salve slathered all over my hands, then white cotton gloves before going to bed. The olive oil foot cream is great too. White socks before bed. Wake up with hands and feet like a baby's.

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