The Winter granny square swap.

I second that emotion.

I would say to only work on the squares if and when they provide you with some comfort and solace. I am certainly in no hurry and would rather think of you cherishing your last days with your sister than frantically crocheting (of all things).

When you do find the time, know that with each stitch you make I am praying for you and your family...

God Bless.

For those who do pray. At church we knit 12" squares for folks and are supposed to pray for them while doing so. You don't have to of course but if we're doing squares and someone wants to make a request, I'm not opposed.

I know two people at church who have cancer and are still with us. I say have since I've been told you're always in remission.

I'm reminded a lot cuz Brother Don had brain cancer and he lost his hair and there is a dimple in the back of his skull.
I sit a few rows behind him. He was young when it happened and since that time he got married and had three kids. It was a long time ago.

I make no apologies for my faith, nor should you. Whatever it is.

Take care, I wish you well.

Need to give y'all on update on what has been going on in my life... 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I was told at work that I needed to go to Florida to work for the week. The next day... I came down with a raging sinus infection. Went to the doctor on Thursday and packed to head to Florida Saturday morning. Spent Saturday and Sunday with my brother and bright and early Monday morning, drove from my brother's home in Astatula to Fort Pierce to work. A few hours into my day, one of my sisters called to let me know that our sister with cancer had been admitted to the hospital and they were giving her days to live.

The next morning, I flew to Connecticut to "say goodbye". First, let me say, that God will always provide. Me packing on Friday night, sick with a sinus infection was crazy! I totally packed as if I were staying in Tennessee (cold weather!) so had the perfect suitcase of clothing to go to Connecticut with. As for my sister, she has rallied some and we are now looking at a couple of weeks instead of days. Each day now is truly a gift from God. Prayers for her miracle to come (she is believing in that miracle) or for God to take her home so she is no longer suffering would be greatly appreciated. There are 6 of us girls (3 boys but they were not with us) and 5 of us got together and told our mother about our sisters cancer. We have kept it from her this past year as she has dementia and we did not want her to dwell on it. We felt it best she know now and had the opportunity to talk with her on the phone. I flew back home last night.

Having said all of this... when I packed, I did not pack the yarn I needed to finish my squares.

At this point, I am putting this out for you all to decide how to proceed... if you are willing to wait for me to put my box in the mail next week, wonderful... I will get them done and out. If you all do not wish to wait on me, I truly understand. Just let me know. either way.
Take care, friend. The squares can wait.
Thats right for me too. I am in no hurry either. I am sorry to hear about your sister. Take all the time you need, things happen alot out of our control. Take Care! And many prayers your way.

Indep.Mo Ladyofspirit
You all are fabulous and the prayers are truly appreciated. I had to leave my sister and return home (the job thing keeps getting in my way) yesterday. We have three other sisters and a brother that live very close to her. I had to make the trip to see her and let her know how much she is loved should our Lord take her home. When mom asked me if she is dying, my reply was that only God knows when it will be her time to go home but know that she is in a very good place with the Lord and if He does take her, she would welcome the adventure. Thank you friends. As crocheting is one of my ways to remove stress, I should get these done soon and will let you know when they are ready to post.
My prayers go to you and your family at this time. We have a time to live and a time to die and only God can decide that. I pray for you all to have strength to bear up to this and pray your mother (bless her heart) will be able to cope. I pray for your sister, and you are right, she is in Gods hands as to whether she will live or take that journey to be with the Lord. Enjoy every moment you can with her until the angels come to take her on her journey.

The crocheted blocks can wait. Like others, the time with your sister and the rest of your family has priority here. If they relax you then by all means crochet but if not, that is all right also.

God Bless!
I whole heartedly agree with the sentiments already expressed. Please let your crochet be a way to releive your stress and not something that adds to it.

I spent two weeks of this swap in CT also. I was visiting my Grandmother in Litchfield. Sadly, she died this week. I made spending time with my family a priority. I will never regret taking that time.

Doesnt matter if you send your squares in October. Your family is in my prayers.
I cannot believe that anyone would be in that big of a hurry. Surely we can wait. Oh my goodness what a tale. Prayers being sent your way!!!
I want to share a photo of our latest great grandbaby that was born 6 weeks early. Maddie weighs 5lb. 4 oz. and is doing fine. I have the better part of her quilt top done. Could finish it tomorrow and then layer it and get it quilted maybe before we go to see her. She is still in NICU but doing fine. She is breathing on her own and she isn't really that small, it's just that she came early and they're taking precaustions.

My prayeres are still for you KreativeKat.

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